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"Oh my god, no," Michelle screamed. "It can't be!"

Shelly felt like she was running in slow motion, she couldn't get to Jordan fast enough. She was stopped from coming closer by a policeman.

"Hold it there, miss, I can't let you go over there," the heavyset officer held her back.

"But I need to go there, I'm his girlfriend, please you have to let me," Michelle tearfully pleaded to the policeman, but it was in vain.

If you are his friend, you would help him much better by staying out of the way. Besides, I wouldn't want you to get hurt by being in the way. Just stay back here."

Michelle resigned herself to be a spectator rather than being where she felt she was needed. She watched as the paramedics worked quickly on Jordan . They were giving him an IV and were checking his injuries. It just didn't look like Jordan - all of the blood and his face was so swollen. He was unconscious, which Michelle decided was much better to be at this point rather than to be in incredible pain.

As Jordan was put into the ambulance, Shelly asked the officer where they were taking him.

"Massachusetts General Hospital," he replied curtly.

She wasted no time getting back to her car. Her hands were shaking so much she was barely able to put the keys in the ignition. After she took a few deep breaths, Shelly started the car. She tried to focus on what she was doing. The drive to the hospital for her would take at least 30 minutes. Jordan would arrive there much sooner.

"I'm trying to find out where my boyfriend is, could you help me?"

The nurse in the emergency room walked briskly past Shelly . "Try asking the girl up at the front desk, she can help you."

"I am looking to find out where they took my boyfriend and that nurse told me to ask you," Shelly was hoping that someone would help her.

"Calm down, miss. Why was your boyfriend here?"

"He was in a car accident and the police officer told me he was being taken to Massachusetts General Hospital."

"Okay, what is his name?"

"It's uh, Jordan , Jordan Knight ." Shelly looked at the receptionist anxiously, hoping that she could direct her quickly so she could be at his side.

"Knight .......oh, okay, he's in Trauma Room 3, but you can't go in there, only immediate family, sorry."

"But I am family, I'm his girlfriend. Please you have to let me go in there," Michelle pleaded. "I need to be there, I won't get in the way, I promise, please! He would want me there."

"I know his parents have been contacted, let me check with the trauma nurse and see what she thinks, please just wait over there."

The receptionist motioned over to a bright waiting room. Michelle reluctantly walked over to a chair but did not sit in it. She was keeping her eye on the receptionist making sure she would be holding up her end of the deal to see if she could go in.

After about 10 minutes, the receptionist motioned to Michelle .

"The trauma nurse said it would be okay for you to go in, but you could only stay for 10 minutes, and you would have to leave before that time if they needed you to go."

"Thank you."

A nurse escorted Michelle down the corridor to the trauma room. She swallowed hard before she entered the room. She scanned the surroundings afraid to look at Jordan . It was hard for her to keep her composure when she finally looked at him. There were so many tubes and machines surrounding him. His face was so swollen and scraped. There were tubes going into his mouth and the sound of a machine that kept reminding you of every breath he was taking, rather every breath that the machine was taking for him.

She looked at Jordan wishing he would open his eyes. Shelly kept thinking that this was going to be another one of his stupid practical jokes that he liked to play. She wanted to touch his hand, the only one that didn't have anything attached to it, but hesitated.

"It's okay, you can touch his hand," the dark haired nurse told Shelly .

As Michelle touched his hand, she was surprised at how cold it felt. ", what, um how is he, will he be alright?" Shelly asked the nurse.

"The doctor would be better able to answer that question. He's as comfortable as he can be right now. I know that doesn't answer your question very well-----"

"How long until he wakes up?"

"We will have to wait and see, right now he is in a coma--"

"Oh my god, oh my god---" Michelle kept whispering.

"Why don't I take you back out to the waiting room, I think it would be best for Jordan . His parents were contacted and should be coming soon," the nurse told Shelly as she was trying to get her to leave.

"Okay." Shelly slowly bent over to kiss Jordan 's face. She was afraid to touch him too hard. His face looked so hurt.

Michelle walked with the trauma nurse back to the lobby. The nurse told her that once Jordan 's parents arrived, the doctor would be contacted and they would meet with him regarding Jordan 's condition. All she could do was wait. If there were anything more that they would need, they would come and get her. 

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