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Jon held Michelle close. He kept looking at Jordan 's face and couldn't believe that this was his friend who was like a baby brother to him laying there helpless. Memories of the times that they have shared together went through his mind.

"Jon , the doctor said it was good to touch and talk to Jordan . He said that people that are in a coma can hear and feel. Let Jordan know you're here for him."

Jon took a deep breath. He was trying to find the right words to say to Jordan . He put his hand on Jordan 's shoulder and rubbed it.

"Hey buddy, I came as soon as I got the call. You sure do things the hard way you stupid----" Jon couldn't keep his composure. Michelle pulled Jon towards her and they held each other. After a few minutes Jon wiped his eyes and looked back at Jordan . He looked at the tubes going into his mouth to help him breathe.

"Oh god, Shelly , I'm sorry, so sorry. This shouldn't be the way. This isn't fair." Jon looked hurt and upset.

A nurse entered the room with a unit of blood. Shelly knew that this wasn't good news, that this meant that his hemoglobin was lower.

"Do you know what the results were on the test?" Michelle asked the nurse.

"Yes, it was eight point three. Doctor ordered the transfusion to see how the level goes."

Michelle and Jon looked at each other. They both knew what they were thinking and yet would not allow themselves to think the worst. After the nurse got the IV started, Jordan 's parents arrived. They hugged Michelle and Jon .

"Any news?" Marlene asked anxiously.

"They said that Jordan had a pretty stable night except that his hemoglobin dropped sometime during the night and that is why Dr. Gaynor ordered a transfusion." Michelle thought about telling them what she had heard regarding the respirator but decided against giving them more bad news.

"Why did his hemoglobin level drop so?" Marlene asked.

"The doctor was not sure, he said that they are watching the levels closely and that right now it is at eight point three. When Jordan came in he was at eleven point five. The doctor would be very concerned if his levels went down to seven or below, then he said that there could be a possibility of internal injuries."

"Oh dear lord," Marlene put her hand to her mouth.

Michelle and Jon left the room to give Jordan 's parents some time with him alone.

"Shelly , did you want me to take you back home so that you can get refreshed? It would do you some good." Jon offered.

"I don't want to leave Jordan ."

"I don't think Jordan will be going anywhere soon--"

"But I want to be here when he wakes up."

"I can't argue with you on that one, but really, you should go home and at least shower and change or you will scare him." Jon teased. He was trying hard to make Michelle smile.

"Oh, thanks. Yes, I guess it would be better to go now, I don't think he will be waking up within the next couple of hours.

Jon and Michelle went back into Jordan 's room to tell Alan and Marlene that he was taking Michelle home to shower and change. Shelly leaned over the bed and touched Jordan 's hair and then gently kissed his bruised cheek. She hugged the Knight 's goodbye and then left with Jon .

The Florida sun hit Michelle 's face as they walked out the front entrance. She squinted and was momentarily blinded by it's brightness. Once her eyes adjusted, she glanced over at Jon and noticed that he had already had his sunglasses and ball cap on. It was a way of life for these guys lately to hide their faces. Jordan didn't have to worry too much about being seen, Shelly guessed it was his mannerisms - he didn't seem paranoid, but neither does Jon .

There was a small group of people on the front lawn that were standing and holding candles and pictures of Jordan . Shelly could hear Jordan 's voice singing. It was strange.

"It's funny how it never takes long for fans to find out where you guys are."

"Yeah, sometimes it can be pretty annoying." Jon was relieved to think that the group on the lawn didn't recognize him. They seemed to be checking everyone that entered and left the hospital. It may be the way Shelly and he were walking together, arms linked. No one would suspect him being there anyway.

"Could you have found a parking place further away?" Michelle teased Jon .

"Hey, it was the only one I could find and I sure as hell wasn't going to use the valet - now there would be an instant clue as to Jordan being here once someone found me out. I hate using valets anyway, you can't imagine the stuff they could do in your car." Jon looked at Shelly and winked.

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