[20] Death and Dust

Start from the beginning

"Nice," said Wess.

"It seems this kind of crystal prefers the old ways," Kayla explained.  "Less direct and more polite.  Very odd."  Again she passed her hand over the crystal.  "Darfornum."  With that incantation, the crystal went dark.  She nodded to herself and lit the crystal again.  She eyed Wesley's dagger and thought it a good idea.  She brought her voice down to a whisper.  "Have any more of that strapping?"

"Yep." He dug in a belt pouch and brought forth the deer sinew he kept for making his crossbow bolts.

Kayla handed her Blackthorn staff to him.  "You mind?"

The Faeling wrapped it around the jagged chunks of the crystal and back around the staff.  Then he spit on his fingers to wet them and soaked the sinew. Finally, he gave it a hard yank and pulled it all tight.  Satisfied, he said, "Let it dry a bit...good as farmer's paste."

"Thanks," said Kayla, "It will do for now and this will come in handy I'm sure."  She used the staff to stand and steady herself.  She felt better holding it. Casting magic made one weak and it was always good to have a staff to lean on.  It may not be her fire staff gifted to her from the Order, but it was hers and somehow it was more personal.  She swung the staff, careful not to hit the low ceiling.  The weight was a little heavy.  The blackthorn wood had heft to it.  I will make it work, she thought.  She was trained in the ways of crafting magical instruments, but never attempted it...always focusing on flame...only the flame.  Fire for the trees.

"You alright?" asked the Assassin.

"Sorry," said Kayla.  She rested a hand on her friend's shoulder.  "This arrow wound is bothering me. Show me around?"

Wess decided it better not to mention the poison incident and led her to the middle of the chamber.

They were trapped in a large crypt.  The chamber was rectangular with a walkway up the center.  Eight large sarcophagi hewn from solid granite lined the walls on either side of the walkway.  One tapestry of old still clung to the northern wall like a large spider's web.

"Where did our strange guide lead us to?" asked Wess.

A voice came from behind them.  "This is Hathelia," announced Anyu.  She stared up at the tapestry analyzing the artwork.  "A great city of Men long abandoned and forgotten.  So it is told by my elder, Tu Tahn."

Kayla and Wess recovered their nerves.  Haygen and Otis sprung awake.  Wess gave them the 'all clear' thumbs up signal and they eased back to normal.

Kayla nodded.  "The people of New Hathelia.  King Alforn's lineage.  One of the five kingdoms that fled the East.  So, this was their original city." 

"I know not of New Hathelia, but adventurers from all over have searched for this city for as long as I can remember," said Anyu. 

"Must be of some royal lineage, or importance given the crypt itself," said Otis chiming in.  He analyzed the stonework and found it to barely pass his inspection.  "But no grave markings.  No names."

"No markings," said Wess, "but there are a few slots here in the sides of this sarcophagus."

Otis said, "Here as well."

Wess said, "A keyhole, but where is the key?"  He raised his red crysal and peered into the hole.  "I smell something."

"Besides this sewer smell?" asked Anyu.

"Yes, it's much sweeter," said Wess.

"What then?"

Wess opened his eyes wide.  "Gold."

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