Chapter 13: Wedding day

Start from the beginning

Oh hell no. Not today.

As I was dragged back I looked to my sides and saw his men smirking and laughing. They think this is a game?

Stomping my stilettos down on the ground I smirked to myself as the douchebag let out a riveting yell. Aw shame that his foot got in the way. I tried lifting my foot up to try and stomp on the other foot, but my foot wasn't budging.

Holy crap did my heel stab his foot?

I looked down and thrusted my leg up and lifted the heel up from under my dress and my eyes widened to see blood on the heel. I mentally high five myself and thrashed even harder knowing he was now much weaker.

But I was so wrong. He let out a deep growl and grabbed onto me even tighter and fought against me. He lifted me up into the air and I threw my legs out hoping my heels would magically land in his eyes or heart severely injuring him or hopefully killing him. But my attempts were futile as he threw me over his shoulder and limped slowly up the aisle.

He has dedication I give him that.

Minutes passed and we had both made our way to the altar. He harshly grabbed me off his shoulder and half placed half threw me on the ground.

I watched as he looked down at his foot and grimaced at the wound I'd left.

That's right hoe, I'll leave my mark.

In the split second I had when he took his piercing gaze off me I turned to make a dash, but he wasn't stupid. He reached out and grabbed my wrist painfully pulling me into his embrace.

My heart stopped as he nodded at the vicar wishing to now begin the ceremony.

The vicar began rambling about 2 people in love coming together to unit as one. Bullshit. Like hell we were going to become one.

Moments passed and I glanced at my wrist that was slowly turning an unusual colour and tried pulling it out of his grip once again, but he didn't budge. From the corner of my eye I could see him hurry the vicar up and my heart started racing as the vicar declared for us to repeat the vows. The only thing I'd be repeating was stabbing him in the other foot with my heel.

As the jerk read out his vows, he turned me to face him and held my hands painfully tight whilst smirking at my sorrowful expression.

After James had finished, the vicar turned his attention to me and asked me to repeat back the vows.

No thanks.

"Do you Isabella Anne Martins take James Lucas Richardson to be your lawfully wedded husband".

"No I fucking do not" I confidently shout out.

James edged closer and leaned in to my ear and cruelly whispered;

"Princess, I'd advise you be the good girl you can be and say 'I do'. You don't know the measures I will take".

Tears formed up at his possessive words and I looked into his rage filled eyes and threw my gaze to the floor.

The vicar repeated the same vow once again, but I couldn't say anything. My mouth had zipped itself shut refusing to let even a sound escape.

James let out a deep chuckle and threw his head back. He turned around and nodded at a nearby guard who hurried off into what seemed to be a nearby building.

Turning my attention back to James I was startled to see him staring at me with an annoying smirk plastered on his face.

Moments passed and the guard returned with what seemed to be a person stumbling around with a bag over their head. They were covered in blood and had to be supported by the guard as he seemed very weak and unable to walk on his own.

The guard harshly threw the man on the floor in front of me and he slowly lifted the cloth off his head and my heart sank seeing his badly broken and beaten face.

He was almost unrecognisable. I couldn't even begin to comprehend what torture he endured and how savagely he was treated. I just wanted to escape this nightmare and wrap him up in my embrace, but I was already ensnared in another's embrace.

He laid broken before the altar. He slowly raised his gaze up and his once soft eyes met with mine. He opened up his mouth, but no words could come out. He reached out to me but his movements were too slow and his body gave up on him. His breathing slowed and his eyes slowly closed releasing a few precious tears before succumbing to the darkness. He was still breathing, but every breath seemed to be a struggle.

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Tom.

Hey guys. Umm I've got 11K reads! This is unreal. I didn't even think I'd get more than 50 reads. I can't thank you all enough. I absolutely love reading your comments and it makes my day reading what you think of this story. I hope you'll stick with this story. Love you guys. xoxo

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