Chapter 21- To The Roof

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Midoriya's Pov

My mind has been a mess since yesterday. I can't look at him. As soon as my eyes meet him all those feelings invade me. But it seems like he's everywhere. So I'm really putting an effort into avoiding Kaachan.

He knows I'm gay. And he kissed me after finding out. We kissed. Multiple times. He knows I like guys. He didn't make fun of me and it didn't look like he was disgusted. Because he kissed me. With his tongue. And he caressed me. And he said. He said I should fall in love with him. 

Oh my God! I can't deal with this!

There's no way he meant that.

"Are you feeling sick Midoriya? Your face is really red."

I got jumpy for a second but that monotone voice could only belong to Todoroki.

"Ah, Todoroki-kun, uh, no I'm fine. I'm not sick."

"That doesn't change the fact that you're completely red. Maybe you're blushing? Don't tell me you were thinking about..."

"Ahhhh, yeah, we should go there now."

I interrupted Todoroki and somehow created an excuse for us to get out of the room. I can't take this, I'm too nervous. As soon as we got outside and I made sure that there was no one near us I stared at Todoroki, waiting for him to get the message.

"What? I wasn't going to say his name."

Even if you say that you got me by surprise. How could I know? It's really difficult to deal with people who know who you like.

"Sorry. Guess a lot has happened recently and I'm a bit nervous." I sighed.

"Wanna talk about it?"

I can trust him. At least I think I can. But Kaachan would kill me in so many ways if I told anyone about what we did. I shook my head, as a response to his question.

"I understand that this is a delicate situation, so if you want to talk you know where to find me."

He turned to go away. Even if I might die, it's not like there's someone else I can talk about this with. 

"Wait. Hypothetically." I'm so going to regret this. "If a guy had a crush on another guy. And if that other guy kissed him. What would that even mean? Hypothetically speaking."

He gave a little laugh through his nose before answering

"Well, hypothetically, I think that guy likes him back."

"Even if we were hypothetically talking about a person who has a terrible temper and has hated the other for his entire life?"

"Yeah, it's really easy to mistake love and hate."

"No way! He's not like that. What if he's taking advantage or, or..."

"Midoriya. If you're so unsettled you should just ask him if he likes you."

"N-not me. Hypothetical!"

"Alright, alright. Hypothetically speaking, that guy is really lucky because what he has is not unrequited love."

I couldn't help but blush madly. Thinking that Kaachan might like me, it's too good to be true. But what if... What if he likes me back? Or what if he can accept me this way? I'm taking that chance.

"Thanks. There's somewhere I have to go now."

I don't know what I'll say, I don't know how he'll react but I know where I'm going. To the roof.

Bakugo's Pov

What the hell have I done wrong? One day I have him in the palm of my hand. The following day he's avoiding me. And he's not even being discreet, he just turns away and runs whenever he sees me. Fuck! That shitty nerd is playing with me! But he's not gonna get away easily.

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