Chapter 15- Halloween: Costumes

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Bakugo's Pov

Finally the day arrived. Halloween, which means I won't have to cut more stupid paper pumpkins.

Classes ended earlier so that the students could enjoy this occasion. All around, you could see extras wearing strange costumes. I swear 90% of them were dressed as vampires, both boys and girls. I don't see any difference in them but once again I wouldn't even try.

Obviously, I'm not wearing any costume.

As I headed to the roof, I heard Deku calling me. Well, I thought I heard Deku calling me, but when I looked back I didn't see him.


I heard it again, this time louder. I turned around but still didn't saw Deku. There are a few people here but a green haired boy is normally visible.

I kept walking until I felt something clinging to my shirt. I turned and saw... something. I wouldn't know what to call it. Maybe a sheet? A walking sheet? The sheet moved and, under it, I saw big green eyes staring at me. He was grabbing the bottom of my shirt. 

"Kaachan. Do you like it?" He gave a little spin and seemed to smile at my confusion.

Deku was dressed as a ghost. Just a white sheet, placed as if it was a hoodie, with a face drawn on the top and a green ribbon holding everything on place. I had seen him dressed as a ghost before, when we were kids, but this is an improvement. Anyone who walked by us would think it was a simple costume, with nothing special about it, but to me it was something else... 


I returned to my path towards the roof. I was just trying to hide my face because I was sure I was blushing. To be honest, I'm wonderstruck at how he could change my mood with just a simple sentence. Shit! I hate this feeling. And yes, he looks great.

"Kaachan wait!" This time he grabbed my sleeve. How can he look even more adorable than usual? "You're not wearing a costume."

"I don't do that shit." I had an impulse to pull my arm and go away but I didn't do it. Because it was Deku touching me and I could feel his heat through my clothes.

"Why? We used to celebrate Halloween together and you always wore a costume."

"Damn Deku! We're not kids anymore."

He let go of me and seemed depressed. Then his face lighted up again. He took something from under his sheet and placed it on my head. It was a pair of cat ears.

"I had this extra pair and was going to use it as decoration but it looks much better on you. Kawaii!" He gave me the biggest and brightest smile. All I could think was I could say the same about him.

"Th-thanks." He even made me stutter. What is this?! This warm feeling inside me?! His eyes seemed to glow and he smiled again.

Oh Deku... You can't just come near me with that innocent smile and pretend it's nothing...  

"Deku..." I took one step in his direction. Anything that happens now is completely his fault. That look in his face... He's asking for this.

"Deku!" Little bitch made me get back to Earth. One second later and I would have... Shit!

"Hi Uraraka-san!" She was dressed as a witch. Nothing would suit her better.

Sometimes I wish that Halloween tales would be real. That way people could just disappear in the middle of the night. It would be better for everyone!

"You were going to say something, right Kaachan?" Ahhhhh! I want to explode something!

"Don't bother me nerd."

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