Chapter 8- Truth or Dare

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This chapter might have some mature contents so if you're not fine with it jump Bakugo's first pov.

Bakugo's Pov

I'm so angry I can't even sleep! It's 5 a.m.. And I'm fucking awake. For some reason I got really mad with Deku when he told everyone I fixed his tie. Ahhhh! Stupid nerd! I really want to explode something right now but I can't because I'll wake him up. That's right, we are still sharing a room. Today is Friday. One week! How long does it take for them to get me a room?

Nyx is sleeping on my bed. This is definitely something I wont miss. I can't wait to get rid of Deku. I looked at him. The freckled boy kept sleeping, unaware that he was being watched. Then he turned around and I could now see his face. I heard a moan-like sound.

"Mmhh. Kaachan." Then he turned away again.

I felt my body temperature instantly rising. What was that? He must be dreaming but... Why calling my name? I laid down and turned to the wall. I can't take that sweet sound out of my head. Stop Katsuki, don't be so weak, think about something else. Yeah, that's easy to say but he's like two meters away from me and I can even hear him breathing. I wonder what is he dreaming about... I felt blood rushing. No, no, no. Not now.

I rushed inside the bathroom and locked the door. There's nothing else I can do to avoid it. I'm already hard... Shit!  Why would I get excited just by hearing his voice? I took my hand into my shorts and I started pumping. I could feel my heartbeat on every inch of my body. What are you doing with me Deku? One week. It was all it took for me to lose my sanity. Why Deku? Would I also be doing this if I had stayed on someone else's room? I could still hear his voice echoing on my mind. I kept imagining him until I came. This is bad. It took every single nerve on my body to keep me from moaning and calling his name.

I looked into the mirror just to see an image of myself, completely flushed and sweaty, my eyes stained with lust.

I'm ashamed of myself. Why would I do this? It's fucking Deku! And worst of all, I enjoyed it...

I took a bath immediately, to wash away all these feelings. When I got back into the room and saw Deku I realized I couldn't take this anymore. I had to go away.

Midoriya's Pov

I woke up with a strange silence inside the room. My alarm clock was ringing but Kaachan didn't told me to stop it.


He wasn't in the room. Guess he went away earlier. But he could have waited for me. I got dressed and went to classes.

After walking a bit, I saw Kaachan wandering.

"Good morning!" I tried to get closer to him but he turned away. "Hey Kaachan, why are you dressed like that? We are going to have practice outside." He was wearing the school's uniform so he probably forgot.

"Tsk. Whatever."

He went away. Things are a bit strange between us. He's being extra cold with me and it looks like he's trying to avoid me. I don't understand why... Is he mad because of yesterday? But he's been acting strange since classes restarted. No way! Is he mad because of the kiss?... He never said anything about it... Ugh! Stop worrying about this and go to class.

We ended up trying to create our super techniques again. I don't have any ideas yet... But looking at all the others and seeing them putting so much effort on this makes me wanna do my best. Maybe I should start by changing my costume. I'm always worried about my arms so it would be good if I could get something that helped me. 

Maybe I could ask someone to help me. I mean, the teachers are here and Ectoplasm sensei made a clone for each student to help us practice but they are expecting us to do everything on our own.

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