Chapter 4

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"He wasn't pissed about that?" Kayla asks. We're sitting in Clark's, drinking milkshakes and sharing fries. Bailey is off at the bathroom. I'm filling in Kayla on my run in with Tanner at the game. Kayla's the only one who knows that I froze and backed away when Tanner and I almost had sex. I hadn't told anyone else. I was a bit embarrassed. There's plenty of people I know who have, including Kayla and Bailey and probably Mason, definitely Chase. But I've waited. I haven't been ready.

I shake my head, "No. He said he would have waited to have sex until I was ready. I honestly believed him. He said he was drunk and pissed at me but not for that."

Bailey comes back and sits next to Kayla, taking a fry. "Tanner?" she asks, obviously hearing some part of the conversation. "Wait, did you see him at the game? Oh my God, did he say why he cheated with that bleach blonde bimbo?" She didn't hear the part when I said he'd wait for me to be ready. I'm glad. I love Bailey and all, but of the three of us, she just wouldn't get it. She's talked about her experiences plenty of times and how great they were. She wouldn't exactly judge me for being a virgin, but would just wonder why I and how I still am since it's just oh so greataccording to her.

I just shrug. "Yeah, when I went to get candy. He said he was pissed and drunk so that's why they were hooking up, but I have no clue what he'd be pissed about."

"Asshole. His loss. Anyways..." Kayla lingers. She looks at me and gives me a reassuring smile, making sure we don't talk about Tanner any more.

Soon, we're talking about my birthday. It's coming up next week and they want to do something for it. "Oh come on Lauren, please. It'll be fun," Bailey says in a whiny voice. I just shrug and roll my eyes. I don't want to go to another party after last weekend's debacle. I've never been too big on birthdays. Dinner with my parents. Hanging out with friends. Maybe go shopping or get my nails done. Never anything big. Even my "Sweet 16" I just went to a fancier restaurant than usual with my parents then on the weekend, got my nails done with Kayla then went bowling with her and some other friends, including Mason, Chase, and Bailey.

"What'll be fun?" I know its Mason before I have to look up. He's smirking. Chase is right there with him, with an equally annoying smirk. I know Mason knows my birthday is coming up and he knows Bailey wants to throw a party. Actually, all my friends have wanted to throw a party, even before the debacle at Chase's party last week. I said I don't want to go to a party for awhile. Just keep my head down. However, Chase would find any excuse for a party. Actually, I think most of my friends would.

Mason slides into the booth next to me and Chase sits next to him. Mason and I legs' are practically touching. We're in one of the smaller booths at Clark's and both Mason and Chase sitting on my side of it has me sitting veryclose to Mason. I'd be pinned up against the wall if I had to move any more. But it doesn't feel awkward at all. It never does with Mason.

"Next week is Lauren's birthday," Bailey states as if Mason doesn't know.

"Yeah, big 17, right Laur? Thursday, right?" Mason says, smirking at me still. I glare at him, but can't help but smile while I do it. I know he doesn't mean any harm.

Chase gets a mischievous look on his face. "Nope. Not happening," I state, before he can say we should have a party. I look around the table and can tell it's going to be four against one.

"Come on Lauren, we need to celebrate somehow. You've had a shitty week. Your birthday is a good reason to get loose," Kayla says, reaching across to squeeze my hand. I know she's right. But after Chase's party and the aftermath, I don't want a party in my honor, making me center of attention.

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