Chapter 2

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The whispers and people looking at me happened all morning. In class. In the hall. I wanted to disappear. I just wanted to disappear and avoid everyone. But I stuck my head up high as much as I could. Although, I really have dropped a few tears, mainly after I first saw Tanner in the hallway. But I'm trying. This wasn't my fault. Tanner cheated on me. This isn't my fault.

I get to the cafeteria and go straight to my table. I figured the eyes wouldn't be on me as much if I didn't get in line. Maybe I should've gone to the library or hung outside instead where there are less eyes. There's so many people here and I feel like all eyes keep darting towards me, but I'm hungry and need to eat. I need to get food at some point. It's like Kayla read my mind because she came, sitting next to me with a tray with enough food for two. "I owe you," I say as I'm getting money out of my bag.
She shakes her head, "Nah, you need it." She gives me a small, reassuring smile. I'm thankful for her. Bailey sits across from us. The two of them are doing their best to get my mind off of Tanner. And it's working, I'm getting distracted and not trying to wonder where Tanner is.

We're in the midst of talking about the last Grey's Anatomy episode. Suddenly, Bailey kind of goes wide-eye and nods behind me. I turn to see Tanner, walking over to our table. Why is he coming over? For some reason though, I can't turn away. It's like I'm frozen into place. I take a good look at him. He's got a pretty decent black eye. On the uninjured side of his face, I can see the dark bags under his eye. He has a sorrow look. Dammit. I'm starting to feel bad. Then I remember what he did and that I should be the one who's hurting, not him. He fucking hurt me so much. I ignored his calls and texts all day yesterday. I cried so much this weekend because of him. I've been trying not to cry all day and if he comes here and talks to me, I know I'll burst. In front of everyone. Again. I don't have the liquid courage in me anymore to throw another punch and stomp away before the tears can fall.

Soon, Mason and Chase step in front of our table, blocking Tanner's path to me. I don't think they say anything, but something goes down like a stare down because soon Tanner just nods and heads back in the opposite direction to some table.

Mason and Chase get their trays and come to our table. Chase takes a seat next to Bailey then Mason on my other side. "Thanks," I mutter to them. They both just nod. I'm thankful for my friends.

They get in the conversation with the rest of us. Mason and Chase look at us in confusion and like we're crazy when we're talking about Grey's Anatomy. It's kind of comical to be honest. All of us are making plans to meet up with Clark's, the local diner, after they have practice for dinner. It'll be nice I think. I need a distraction. Even though Clark's is a Kentwood hang out and a lot of people from school will be there, I need to be with friends.

Chase is in one of his stories. He's mocking Mr. Vega, an old science teacher, who is literally obsessed with frogs and will go off on tangents about frogs instead of actually teaching. I can't help but laugh because it's so on point and hilarious. I swear, Chase should be an actor because he can imitate anyone and is actually funny. I'm in a laughing fit over Chase's impression when I notice Mason's hands. It's bruised. I vaguely remember seeing it Saturday night, but I was drunk and upset that I wasn't sure if I really did. A lot happened in such a short amount of time that I could have sworn I saw a pig fly. I nudge him, "What happened there?" pointing to his hand.

The table got quiet. Chase gives him a look. I can't tell what he means by it. Kayla contours her mouth and looks away aimlessly. Bailey just looks down, lips pressed together tightly. Mason's quiet, eating his food, looking away sheepishly. Then, I put two and two together.

"You gave him the black eye, didn't you?" Mason just shrugs, still not looking at me. That gives me confirmation. "Seriously Mason?!" I shove him in the shoulder. Ow. I wince a bit. I guess my hand still hurts after punching Tanner. "I didn't need more people talking about me and I certainly don't need you to be my knight in shining armor. I can stand up for myself and handle my own shit, thank you very much." I get up and stomp away out of the cafeteria. All eyes are on me. I must've been yelling at Mason. Why do I do this to myself?

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