Chapter 13

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It's the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Regional finals are today. Then, there are only 3 games left if the team gets to the finals.

At homecoming, I didn't want to wear Mason's number. Tonight, I proudly painted Go 52 on my cheeks for John. He had two practices yesterday since they didn't practice on Thanksgiving. I spent time with him in between.

We hung out at his house. We watched a movie. Well, actually, we ended up making out instead. Since we're not in public, I didn't mind at all. We got a little serious and breathless. His hands were feeling all over me, but we did nothing else besides making out. I never felt pressured once. He seems to know that I'm not ready and doesn't try to even push it.

"Supporting your man, huh?" I hear. It's a guy's voice. Bailey has just arrived with Marcus Townson. Since homecoming they've been hooking up. Nothing more than casual sex from what Bailey says. Just friends with benefits. At lunch earlier this week, she asked if John and I had done it yet. I nervously shook my head no. She told me to get on it, because "he looks like he'd be amazing." I just ignored her.

I nod in response to Marcus's question. I'm proud to support John. He's really striving to do his best and is playing great. Even though he's already committed to a college team, he doesn't want to loosen up just because of that. He told me winning states is the team goal and he will strive for that to happen.

As I'm heading up to the bleachers with Kayla, Bailey, and Marcus I hear my name. I look over and see its Lydia Johnson. It's taking all in me to not roll my eyes at her. I put a forced smile and walk up to the fence on the edge of the field, where she's waiting to meet me. "What's up, Lydia?"

"Just wanted to congratulate you on getting together with John. You're together now, right?"

"Uh, yeah we are. Thanks?" I don't know where this is going.

"So you're like official, right?"

"Yes," I reiterate, "we're together. Not like that's your business."

She gives me a perky smile. "That's great. Like really great. Well, bye." She waves as practically skips her way back to the cheerleading squad.

"What was that about?" Kayla asks when I meet her in the bleachers.

"I have no clue," I tell her.


Literally, Clark's is completely packed with Kentwood High. Every booth. Every chair. Every stool. People are even standing. I don't think I've ever seen this many people here.

The football team won regional playoffs, meaning Kentwood is onto the first round of states. Everyone decided to come to Clark's to celebrate. I'm suddenly very glad I got here early enough to get a booth because if I came now, I'd have no where to go.

John kisses my temple and he slides into the booth next to me and drapes his arm around my shoulder. I lean my head on him almost instantly and smile. John did amazing. He sacked the other team's quarterback twice, one of which made him fumble, made some pretty great tackles, and helped the defense only keep the other team to 3 points. "You really did amazing out there."

"Thanks. I only helped on the defensive end. Mason was the one who really led the team to the win," he says, nodding over to Mason who's sitting on a stool at the bar next to Lydia. She's got her hand on his upper thigh and is kissing his cheek. I can see the edge of his grin. It's taking all in me to not throw up at the sight of them right now.

John is right though. Mason did lead the team. He passed three touchdowns, ran for another, threw no interceptions, and only missed 4 passes. Watching the game, I could see how much he was leading the team. He cheered every receiver that caught a pass. Every great run by the running back. Even on the sidelines, he was cheering for the defense when they made a great play. When John forced that fumble after sacking the quarterback, it led to Kentwood taking control of the ball. When John was coming to the sidelines and Mason was going to the field, Mason gave him a high five and patted him on the back as he walked out and gave him encouragement. It was nice to see on the field, he was still humble at least.

Soon, Chase is standing on the bar at Clark's with his soda in the air. "To the Kentwood Tigers! We're going to states baby!" he shouts. Literally, everyone in the diner have their drinks in their air and yelling, "To Kentwood!"

"And to Mason Shaw, the best quarterback in the state!" Chase says, lifting his drink again. I look at Mason. He is turning slightly pink at Chase's statement. It's probably true. He probably is the best right now in the state. Lately, he's been acting like he's all that. Mr. Big Man on campus. It's nice to see him kind of get embarrassed. However, it soon fades. Mason puts his cocky grin on and says loudly and arrogantly, "Best in the motherfucking country!"

The diner cheers. It's crazy. We haven't even won states and everyone is going crazy. Guys are coming up to Mason, slapping him on the back. Girls are coming up and flirting with him, much to Lydia's distaste, as he's completely flirting back. He's in the center of the group, acting like he's the best ever. Don't get me wrong. He is playing great. But he's not even humble about it anymore.

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