Chapter 1

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All eyes are on me as I walk in school Monday morning with my best friend, Kayla. Of course everyone knows. Nothing goes on in Kentwood High that no one finds out. I hate the attention on me. I need to walk, but I'm frozen in place. Kayla has linked her arm in mine, "C'mon," she tells me as we head towards our lockers.

"So I guess it got around," I sigh, as I open my locker to get my book for my first class.

Kayla runs through her fingers through her wavy auburn hair and gives me a sympathetic smile. She knows this situation is hard for me. But I'm glad I have her by my side. There's no one else I'd rather have as my best friend. She slept over last night (again actually after Saturday), keeping me company and making sure I was okay. "I mean, the whole party saw Lauren," she says. I'm about to glare at her, but she's right. Probably half of the school was there. Even if that many people weren't there, it would have gotten around our school. Gossip runs like a wildfire here.

"Yeah, I know. I just don't like the looks and whispers. Especially because of thatof all things. It was embarrassing as anything," I tell her. She gives my arm a squeeze in assurance.


Mason Shaw had the game of a lifetime last night. And he did it while beating Washington High, our school rivals. Star quarterback, probably most popular boy in school, and actually a nice guy. Not one of those cocky jocks that thinks he's above everyone else. He's down to earth. He loves the game and knows he's good at it, but he doesn't let it get to his head. Oh, and he's my next-door neighbor and one of my closest friends. We grew up together. Literally. Our moms always had play dates for us when we were toddlers. We'd go to each other houses' to ask to come out and play. We were inseparable. Our interests grew differently as we got older, but we still continued to be close. We hang out a lot and are there for each other in times of need.

Chase, Mason's best friend/fellow teammate, and a good friend of mine, actually, wanted to throw a party in his honor. As Chase says, "The Kentwood Tigers would be nothing without Mason Shaw and we must celebrate!" Chase knows how to throw a good party. And well, who doesn't love a good party?

I arrived with Kayla around 8 o'clock. My boyfriend, Tanner, was going to meet us there after he got off of work. I wore this light blue dress that hung off my shoulders that I knew would bring out my eyes. It wasn't fancy, but it's more dressed up than usual. One good thing about southern California; it's still nice at the end of September. I did my hair and makeup a bit more than I usually do. Most of the time, I usually just put on mascara on, Maybe a bit of eyeshadow. I do attempt to look better at parties in general, but tonight I really wanted to look good. I want to look good for Tanner. Lately, he's been acting weird, so maybe I can help get his mind off of whatever is bothering him and making him distant.

I'm chatting with Kayla when Tanner walks in. I see his buzz cut head and brown eyes and instantly smile. He catches my eye and comes straight to me. "Hey Lauren, Kayla." He gives me a sweet, but very quick kiss. More like a peck. I could barely taste his lips. "I'm going to get a drink. Need anything?" He looks over at Kayla, "What about you?"

I hold up my full red solo cup filled with beer. "Nope I'm good." Kayla shakes her head and he heads to the kitchen. I groan, "See, I told you." I tell Kayla. I've been complaining about he's been short, distant, and just acting weird. I've tried to talk to him about it, but he's shut it down every time, saying everything is fine. I don't want to seem annoying and do it at a party where we're supposed to have fun, but he's still acting distant.

She shrugs, "Who knows Lauren. I swear guys can be moodier than us sometimes. Maybe he's just PMSing." I laugh. I'd like to believe that boys PMS just as often as girls.

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