Start of the Season

Start from the beginning

"You see that flower," Stiles pointed out. "Yeah," Scott said. Winnie exchanged a glance with Stiles. "Wolfsbane," she asked. "What's that," Scott asked. All three other teens turned to Scott dumbfounded. "Are you serious, Winnie asked. "What is it," Scott repeated. "You know the wolf man? The original classic werewolf movie," Stiles pressed. "No, what," Scott snapped. "You are so unprepared for this," Stiles commented. He got up and walked over. "It's a werewolf flower," Skyler said. "It's naturally poisonous, and apparently is supposed to affect werewolves like ten times worse," Winnie explained. They watched Stiles pull it up and there was a rope attached he went in circles and finally it was fully undone. They looked over at Scott as he called Stiles. "It's a person now? How does? How did-," Winnie started and Sky covered her mouth with her sleeve to shut the girl up.

They called it in and returned the next morning to watch Derek get taken into custody. "Most teens spend Saturday morning like sleeping, cleaning... you know doing normal things, but us- no! We watch murderers from afar," Winnie remarked. Skyler and Scott had tuned her out to watch Derek get escorted out. "Are either of you even listening," Winnie asked. "What," they both asked just hearing her for the first time. Derek locked eyes with Scott and then with Skyler. They all watched as Stiles walked towards the police car. "What the hell is he doing," Winnie asked. "Something stupid," Scott answered. Stiles looked to them and they all violently shook their head no only for Stiles to ignore them and hop in the passenger side anyways. "Oh my god," they all groaned. "Who's getting him," Sky asked. Scott and Skyler put their finger to their nose and Winnie looked back realizing she missed the silent cue.

"Oh for fuck's sake," she grumbled and rushed over. She opened his door and smacked him upside the head. "Her, I'm afraid of," Stiles said. "I just want to know something. The girl you killed. She was a werewolf. She was a different kind wasn't she? I mean she could turn herself into an actual wolf. I know Scott can't do that," Stiles pressed. "Are you trying to get murdered," Winnie hissed. "Is that why you killed her," he asked. "Why are you so worried about me when it's your friend who's the problem. Even the dragon had control over her abilities. "Wait," Winnie asked. "When he shifts on the field what do you think they're going to do? Just keep cheering him on? I can't stop him from playing but you can. And trust me you want to," Derek warned.

Winnie was about to ask what the fuck he meant by dragon when she felt a hand grip the back of her sweatshirt and was pulled to the side before Stiles was ripped out of the car. "Hi Mr. Stillinski," Winnie said. "Door," Sheriff hissed. Winnie closed it and the two were dragged off. "Ow. Ow. Ow," Stiles complained. "What the hell do you two think you were doing," Sheriff demanded. "I thought I was going to drag this idiot away from a potential murderer, but he never stops talking," Winnie replied. He looked to his son. "I was just trying to help," Stiles replied.

"Alright well help me understand just exactly how you came across this," the sheriff asked. "We were looking for Scott's inhaler," Stiles replied. And happened to bring four shovels, Winnie thought to herself. "Which he dropped when," the sheriff asked. Stiles seemed really confident and Winnie saw the sheriff catch onto something. "The other night when you were looking for the first half of the body," Sheriff asked. "Yes," Stiles replied exasperated. Winnie looked between the two. "The night that you told me you were alone and Scott was at home," the sheriff added. Winnie nodded realizing that Stiles fucked up. "Yes," Stiles auto-responded. He realized his mistake and quickly tried to cover it, "No- uh crap." "So you lied to me," the father asked. "That depends how you define lying," Stiles replied. "Well I define it as not telling the truth. How do you define it," the sheriff retorted. Stiles, not realizing that was rhetorical, dug himself a deeper grave. "Reclining your body... in a horizontal position," he replied. Winnie mentally facepalmed. "Get the hell out of here," his father replied. "Absolutely," Stiles said quickly and took Winnie's wrist.

"You are an idiot," Winnie stated. "Thanks," he replied sarcastically. They hopped in the car and looked through for wolfsbane burials as Stiles drove. Scott voiced what the girls were thinking, "There's nothing on it." "Just keep looking," Stiles pressed. "Maybe everything isn't online," Skyler suggested. Stiles looked at her confused in the rearview mirror. "Like how in a lot of cultures traditions are passed on by storytelling and word of mouth, maybe werewolves are the same," Skyler pointed out. Winnie kept thinking back to what Derek said. Dragon. He was referring to Sky. Stiles and Skyler kept going back and forth. Sky was getting nervous as Scott started to get pissed off. "Stop enjoying this," Scott stressed. Winnie felt the area next to her start to get warm. They're losing control. Like last night by the flower.

"Stiles," Winnie shot her head up as the two in front kept bickering. "Please tell me you didn't keep the wolfsbane," she pressed. "That would be a lie," Stiles said. "You kept it," Scott and Sky jinxed. Scott was turning and saw it was right in front of him. "What was I supposed to do with it," Stiles snapped. "Not keep it BY THE SHAPE SHIFTERS," Winnie snapped. "Stop the car," Scott ordered. Winnie saw the panic in his eyes as he pulled over. Stiles scrambled out and threw backpack as far away as he could to stop his friend from shifting and the girl in the back seat from melting his car. They looked as Scott's door opened and he was suddenly gone. Winnie kept hitting her head on the seat and jumped up front. "I'll drive try to call your dad to see if they had any reports," she offered. He nodded replying, "I'll do you one better." She watched him pull out a police radio. "Isn't that technically illegal," Winnie asked driving. "Technically yes," Stiles replied.

Stiles was talking into the radio and the responder sounded annoyed as hell. They stopped for food and eventually had to get ready for the game. "What if he's in the woods killing someone," Sky asked. "Scott will be fine," Winnie defended. She was trying to reassure herself more than anything. Stiles was on the bench so Winnie kept texting him to ask him for updates as the team still wasn't on the field. A few rows in front of them sat Allison and Lydia. Winnie's leg kept bouncing and she was struggling to stay positive for her friend who COULD BE A FREAKING DRAGON! She was praying Scott and Sky didn't shift. Stiles kept glancing at his phone getting more and more frustrated the more he was reminded his friend was MIA and probably murdering someone. He tried to focus on reassuring Winnie to keep his own nerves at bay. Scott walked in and wasn't wolfed out. It took everything in him not to scream in relief or tackle him out of fury for not letting anyone know he was okay and not homicidal for the past 12 hours.

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