Winnie came back handing her friend the extra apple she always got her in exchange for the extra water. As Sky took the apple it started to sizzle. Sky dropped it startled and the girls looked at each other confused. "Okay what the fuck," Winnie asked. Sky just poked the apple again and it still heated up the fruit just not to the same extent as before. "Skyler, why is your skin burning fruit and mine isn't," Winnie asked in a hushed whisper. "How the fuck should I know," Skyler asked her friend. She was starting question if this was all just a weird dream. It had to be. Right?

Winnie was now trying to poke the apple to see if it would react to her the same way before nudging it to her friend and watching it heat up a little before Skyler pulled her hand away. "Winnie," she scolded really starting to freak out. "What? It was for science purposes. Multiple trials," Winnie responded. "What the hell is happening to me," Sky asked worried. "Maybe you have super powers," Winnie proposed. "Maybe I'm dying from some weird chemical reaction," Skyler pointed out. "Always so negative. Try to look on the up side sometimes," Winnie teased. "What if I'm dying," Skyler asked worried. "It was nice knowing you," Winnie said jokingly. That wasn't what the girl needed to hear. "Look," Winnie interjected realizing she wasn't helping, "You aren't dying. We can google it and find out what's going on. I'm sure there's a reason." Sky nodded quietly. She didn't know what else to do. Something was wrong with her. Something in her said it had to do with that beast they saw. The period was coming to a close and Skyler could now touch things without melting them and whatever happened earlier seemed to disappear.

The rest of the day passed without incident so the girls brushed it off as they suited up for lacrosse. Coach Finch was already shouting. As bipolar as she was they preferred her over Finstock any day. He filled in for Finch in one practice and three girls quit, eight threw up, and five ended up with concussions. Skyler questioned why Danny and Isaac put up with him. He always said Finstock was not that bad once you got to know him a bit. Winnie was put in goal for the first time in ever and was incredibly surprised she didn't suck. She caught a ball and started jumping excited. Finch just stared at her deadpanned. The girl threw it back out a bit embarrassed, but still excited. They moved to drills and something felt different for Skyler. She felt more in control. Like everything was slowed down. Skyler was doing the best she ever had in her life. Winnie figured she had been training like crazy, which she had, but it wasn't enough to change her this drastically. Winnie was screaming in excitement as he friend proved she was well equipped for first line.

They started to put their gear away. "That was crazy," Winnie said excited. "Yeah, it just felt like I had all the time in the world," Skyler replied. "You weren't too bad yourself," she added trying to get the attention off of her. "Thanks. I guess practicing with Danny really did make the difference," Winnie said as she slammed her locker shut. Skyler jumped at the sudden loud noise. "You good," Winnie asked. "Yeah just still on edge from last night," Skyler brushed off. They made their way back to Winnie's house and complained as Isaac had to cancel yet again. "I feel like there's something he won't tell us," Winnie pressed. "Maybe he just doesn't want to bother us," Skyler replied. "Oh so now you're optimistic," Winnie asked. "Only to spite you," Sky teased.

Sky hung up her bag when both girls noticed something odd. The scratches from the other night were gone. "That doesn't make sense," Sky said after inspecting it with her friend. The two stayed up looking into it and lulled through the next day more focused on what was happening to Skyler. They passed one of their classmates shouting at his friend about wolves when Winnie stopped. Sky was too far ahead and kept going. "Wait did you say a wolf in Beacon Hills," Winnie asked the boy. "Maybe... why," he asked skeptical of the girl. "You mentioned the body from the other night the lower half," Winnie added. The boy's face just contorted in confusion. "My friend and I were the two joggers. I stumbled over the corpse," Winnie explained. "Why are you asking about the wolf," the boy pressed trying to hide his excitement. "We thought we saw a wolf, but they left California like sixty years ago" the girl confirmed.

"You saw the wolf," the boy exploded with excitement. "I literally just said that. I have to go before Finch actually murders me, here," she said giving her number to him, "Text me and we can talk about the wolf," Winnie said and rushed off. Skyler was playing unusually well and hits that probably should have knocked her down did virtually nothing. She was far behind the crowd celebrating her best friend and was pulled to the side. "What the fuck dude," Winnie asked. "Is your friend also doing weird things," the boy from earlier asked. "Hello to you to," Winnie replied. "Please this is important," the boy pleaded. She didn't know why but she felt she could trust him. "Yeah," she admitted looking around worried, "she got incredible at lacrosse over night. Don't get me wrong she was good to begin with, but hits that should have knocked her down bounced off, her wound healed over night, and she sizzled an apple by touching it." "My friend is doing the same! Minus the apple bit. I doubt Scott's even looked at a fruit in over a year," the kid half joked. "Do you have any idea about what's happening," Winnie asked. "I might," he answered, "meet at the address I text you in an hour and can figure it out." She nodded determined to help Sky. "I'm Stiles by the way," the boy said. "Winnie," she said simply.

Winnie found herself at a house after making up an excuse to meet Skyler later. As she rung the doorbell the door opened. Winnie jumped at the quick response and saw the sheriff that questioned her the other night. "Oh hi Winnie," he said. "Hi, I'm here to see Stiles for a project," she said hesitantly. The sheriff directed her to the boy's room and she knocked on the door. "It's unlocked," the boy shouted from the other side. "Hey buzzcut," Winnie said opening the door. They immediately started through everything they knew and Stiles was convinced it was a werewolf. After cross referencing poisons that resembled Sky's state she proposed that the werwolf brought out her own thing. They were hunched over books and papers that proved their theory was as preposterous as they thought it was.

A knock sounded and the two jumped as they had been previously engrossed in the study of lycanthropy. Stiles opened the door. A boy stood on the other end as Stiles sighed in relief. Winnie stayed seated in the chair unsure of what to do. "Who's that," the new kid asked. "That's Winnie, Winnie that's Scott," Stiles introduced. The two new acquaintances waved. Stiles pulled Scott in closing the door. "She and her friend Skyler were the ones that called in the body in the woods. Sky is going through similar things you are," Stiles explained. He was starting to sound shaky and nervous. Stiles started rambling and Scott asked, "How much adderall have you had today?" "A lot," Winnie replied. Scott chuckled and Stiles continued trying to step around the issue cautiously. Stiles was now standing and mentioned werewolves. Winnie shrunk into her seat as Scott stood up shifting the mood. She just kept glancing between the two boys. Stiles pointed out that the full moon was tonight. Stiles explained the situation and they mentioned the new girl Allison. Scott had a date with her. Winnie was struggling to comprehend this was all happening. None of it felt real. Stiles got up and grabbed Scott's phone. Winnie jumped back as Scott almost punched his friend. Without thinking Winnie jumped on Scott's back causing him to stumble back before throwing her on the bed. It at least made enough distance to keep Scott from hurting his friend.

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