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This is dedicated to all my readers who have been tolerating my disappearance. I am so sorry;-; but please do keep voting and commenting! <3

Jane's P.O.V

Hah?! Why did l say that? I don't really love either of these people yet it seems like I'm going to have to marry either of them. One is the emperor. I mean he already has concubines so why should l bother? The other is the princess but she doesn't truly love me either so l don't want to marry her. 

Right now, I really am powerless to do anything about my situation. In that case, l should wait properly like a gentleman in distress and wait for a man- no woman- no never mind. 

I have to do something about this. Two options, number one, escape and go back to the hut and wait for Bu Le. Or two, go with what the emperor says. As much as l would like to believe that Bu Le would defy the emperor's decree for me, l am not that dumb as to make him do that. It would just lead to my death anyway. 

Besides, while l am in his favour, l can let him destroy my family so why shouldn't l take advantage of this? Obviously, there's a glaring reason. People just don't do things you ask them to do without reason. Trust me. I bet that if l asked him to do such an outrageous thing, he'd do it just to blackmail me into staying with him. 

Don't think l have forgotten about what happened with the dark god in that previous world. I would never set myself up like that especially with an emperor. 

Who knows exactly what he may be thinking? Just from one interaction, he did not show much emotion unless it was just the two of us. What does that tell you? 

I stopped paying attention to the emperor as l was thinking these thoughts but it never occurred to me how angry the emperor was in front of me. 


"Say yes? To the marriage proposal?"

He sighed, "Yes. Answer me."

"Because you already have wives. And children. Why should l marry a married man?"

"Then would you like Zhen to divorce them?"

"Good heavens no! Those innocent children need a father. Besides you married those concubines for a reason. It's not like you love them."

"It seems that you understand so why?"

"Because l want to be someone's one and only. Until then, no one can have my hand or my heart."

Obviously, that last reply by me was utter bullshit. I just am not capable of loving anyone. Never thought of it and don't think l ever will.

"Either way you're not leaving me a way out." 

"I know."

"In that case, l will divorce all my wives and give myself to you wholly." 


"No buts. If l want to show my sincerity, I will have to do this."


"Because l love you."

"I don't believe you."

"I know but I'll kiss you anyways...touch you...tease you..until you accept me."

"I won't let you. Besides, those are not legitimate ways to make someone fall in love with you. It would only make me hate you even more"

The emperor moved dangerously close again. 

"I don't think you can do anything about it."

He moved closer and placed his lips on mine. I started resisting. When l heard a voice in my mind. 

The male lead is coming. 

There's a male lead? Wtf?

Yeah. And he's pretty important.
"Get off! Someone is approaching."

"Not getting off."

I was getting alarmed. He will find me here. My reputation would be ruined. But why do l even care? I don't want anything to do with this person. Who the heck is the male lead? I didn't even know there was a male lead. This world is a proper mess. What's the storyline? I don't even know. 

Readers must be confused but so am l. Why was the author of the story so bad? Springing random characters left, right and centre.

"Is it someone you don't want seeing us?" The emperor looked at me suspiciously.

"Yes. You're taking advantage of me and l don't want others to misunderstand."

"But l am the emperor so who should care."

"I care."

"Is it because you want to keep yourself pure for your future wife?"

"How could that be? There is only one person l am in love with."

The emperor looked at me expectantly "Who?"

"Not telling. Now quickly go!" Clearly its myself. 

"I am not moving."

I tried pushing him off but he wouldn't budge.

"I'm serious. If you don't move, I'll hate you forever!"

"It doesn't matter if you love me or hate me. You said maybe which basically means yes. You're now my wife."

"I am a boy!"

"I noticed."

While we were having this conversation, l knew someone was coming closer and closer. Taking advantage of the emperor's obvious relaxation, l quickly flipped so l was on top and covered my face with my hair.

Someone burst in and quickly scanned the room. Seeing me on top of the emperor, he was stunned for a time and did not move. Somehow, l lost all my brain cells in the last two hours because the stupid me decided to lift my head and also see who the hell came in.

"It's you."

Huhu! What a cliffhanger! Hope you enjoyed the story! PS: If y'alls are interested, l have a song list for each chapter that l can post if you want! Its all kpop tho so ;-; but there are some others as well- 孟安真

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