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Thanks again for those who are dedicatedly reading each chapter and voting and commenting. I'm really grateful for all of it and l hope you enjoy this chapter. The picture above is Jane (Abby). Isn't she pretty?

********************* Chapter start***********************

Once again, l opened my blurry eyes cursing that witch for bringing me to another world with no help yet again. I really even wonder whether we're contracted and in normal system stories, doesn't the system give its host loads of OP stuff and even guides them in the world but this witch is no where to be found like a ghost she gradually faded away. Yeesh, this is not fair at all. As my sight was getting clearer, l found myself in a small bed with one sheet; the one currently covering me and there was no one in the room. However, l heard sounds outside so l assumed that they were related to me somehow. Rubbing my eyes, l got out of bed and then looked at what l was wearing. I was wearing a faded dress that had a few holes in it and hardly covered me at all. Compared to my previous world, it seemed that l was in poverty here. Well, l don't really mind and to be honest it is a little amusing to experience this. I mean for other people it may not be an experience but for me it definitely was. I also inspected my blond hair and brown eyes and l have to say that this time, l must be a second female lead to look this good. I mean before when l was Mia, l was not that bad looking but this time even l have to admire myself a little bit. Yes, l know l'm cocky but hey, if you also found out that you magically started looking good, wouldn't you also check yourself out? 

Back to the point, it seems that l haven't been sent much about this world so l'm going to have to wing it for now. I don't even know my name so if someone calls me l'm going to immediately reply regardless of whether it is my name or not because l don't know much and l don't want to seem suspicious in the first place. (Even though she knows it will make her much more suspicious tsk). I walked out of my room and down the stairs of the seemingly run down house. Outside, l could see many children running about in faded clothes playing games and having fun. Well, l wish l could play too but this world does not have time for that. Things are going to progress and l needed to stop them from happening at the right moment. And just as l thought this, the story pinged into my head and l read it. This world is built around the female lead just like the last one how fun! The story starts in the orphanage where the female lead is currently staying with her best friend i.e. me. Because of our situation, she tries to do many jobs to keep the orphanage running and due to this she accidently bumped into the male lead. And ofcourse the male lead was all up in her business and wanted to help with something in exchange ;) (Warning for smut scenes coming up). 

They signed the contract and immediately the orphanage changed and became a better place with the male lead as patron. The female lead married him and good ending as usual. Now l would not be here without a few problems. The world had already gone through itself twice and there were a few reincarnated people as well as people who were normal characters. This is where l come in. Since l was the second female lead, when l got reincarnated the first time, l was the one that went out of her way to make the male lead fall for me and completely destroyed the whole story. But the second time round, l replaced the second female lead and the female lead also got reincarnated. This means that she knows exactly what the previous woman did and is now back for revenge. Not to mention that there is only one month until the whole thing starts. My mission at the moment is to put the world back in order. And what even more of a bomb, the female lead was actually A MALE LEAD. Basically, this time she was reincarnated into a boy and the male lead into a girl. They swapped roles which meant that it was now one sided since the male now turned female lead was clueless. And l am still her wait his no wait l'll go for her. I am still her best friend but the now female turned male lead knows the past future and wants to separate us. I really do have my work cut out for me this time.

Ahh l don't even know where l got this idea from. I just wrote it and went with it. Read on for more chapters and don't hesitate to vote and comment because l'd really appreciate it.  Angel xxx

Changing lives constantly: The prequelWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu