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Before l start writing, l have to say a huge thank you to all the people who have been reading, commenting and voting for my book. I really do appreciate it when l see people are reading and enjoying what l write. This is dedicated to my first commenter kei_no_sekai who wanted the lil girl's p.o.v. And without further ado, here is the chapter.

There are many things that l need to explain before explaining my contract with Jane. The world l currently live in and observe is called the authoric world and l am called the observer. The authoric world is a collection of worlds created when authors make stories and create new characters. And an observer is someone who basically makes sure the stories are progressing the way the writer made them and made sure no worlds are collapsing. This brings us to problem number one. All the worlds seem to be collapsing at a a fast rate and it is really hard for stabilise all of them at the same time. We need more helpers otherwise everything really will collapse and this would be really bad because there would be no more stories on earth and they would all disappear. This is due to a bug currently messing up the system and no one can detect this at all.

Many of us observers need hosts to complete missions so that they can save the worlds but it really is hard to find hosts for us because they need to be completely unfeeling and have no feelings of attachment to anyone whether family or lovers or even pets. They have to be completely alone because otherwise they could get attached to the people in the story and this could completely divert the story and just accelerate the collapse of the world instead. This is one of the reasons why l chose Jane to be my host. She really did have a traumatising past where she was isolated and left alone for 7 years without any human interaction which meant that she grew up not loving anyone and did not ask for any love in return and this was totally different to those who hated the world but they still had people that they loved and wanted to protect. This is what makes Jane really unique almost as if she was extremely suited to this world because she would never get personally invloved with characters and with that l mean feelings etc. Even if someone loved her, they would have to move mountains and possibly meet God or the devil to be able to change her heart. That is how unfeeling she is. As for her personality, she developed a double personality from her isolation who was extremely cheeky and volatile but it hid her boredom and lack of curiosity very well and led people to percieve her in the wrong way. It was more of a mechanism to make life more interesting for her as people strongly reacted to her false personality. Her real personality rarely made an appearance so it would be hard for me to describe her in that state. You'd just have to see it to know. Anyway, she was dying because of her lack of movement for a long time and l gave her the offer to experience something thrilling. I knew she was lazy so l did not give her the chance to refuse.

This particular world was picked to gauge her skills and highlight what she was good at so l could pick worlds suited to her personality and those that were marginally different from what she experienced on earth so that she was always interested and l inturn could make sure that worlds were also back on track. And lastly problem number three, some one has been eliminating the observers of different parts of the authoric world. Many of them have seemed to be assasinated or deleted by code that can not be traced or understood by other observers. This meant that everyone who is an observer is often under attack and has to run away all the time. This is why l cannot be with my host when she is in the world. I don't want to alert anyone of my presence at all so l can only leave her with the information needed to succeed in her missions. I am doing this also so l can preserve her life. Once the observer dies, the host also dies. Even though l am an observer, l am not that unfeeling.

This is the end of the chapter. Please do vote and comment down below. It really helps us writers and l would appreciate it. Angel xxx

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