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Finally, the day for touring had arrived. Since it was my idea for the whole thing, l had to make a speech in the beginning which was the most nerve wrecking thing that l had to do because l hate speaking to the crowds. All the families that were there looked intimidating as hell and that made me scared as well. Me and the vice head spent a lot of time yesterday evening going through things with the guides and teachers to make sure everyone knew what they were doing and where they were going so nothing went wrong. That took years to explain because no one had done this before except me so l had to describe the route to take for different families. Now that the day was here, you could see the nervousness on the guide's faces but l believe that l picked good people who were organised and knew or at least understood what they needed to do.

After the speech, l personally assigned guides to their families and then walked off to check on the reception after the tour. I made sure to spot Dean who was walking with another pretty girl. If you thought my sister was pretty with her blue eyes and black hair as well as her rosy lips giving off a refined but crazy feeling, this girl gave off her sunny personality with her strawberry blond hair and golden eyes. My goodness even l had to first stare at her a little because of her beauty. Just as expected, her halo is too good but it always entices bees and butterflies so l feel a bit bad for Dean. I am crossing my fingers and praying to all deities and the devil right now. Please let her be nice. Please let her personality be good. Otherwise, l'm going to first have to be friends with her and change her mentality and that will take months. Not to mention the fact that there are only two months left until the actual incident happened so l do not have much time to dilly dally around.

After checking that the venue was okay, l walked around and observed that the guides were doing well while constantly giving people bright smiles so that l would seem approachable and a nice person to entrust their kids lives to.  I got asked a few questions here and there and l asked them as nicely as l could. At some point, l noticed the Xing family with Dean as the guide. It seemed that God heard my answer because Anne looked nice and was even smiling while Dean seemed to be blushing. Ohoho, l think l should become a priest then if deities were listening to my prayers. That would be great. But back to the story, the family seemed to be enjoying the tour and there were a lot of smiles. I thought l had hit the jackpot so l stopped observing and went back to my actual job. After the two hours, all the families were in the reception and the headmaster was giving the final speech.

I felt relieved because honestly l thought that my legs were going to fall off if l kept walking but l still needed to be part of the sending party. I shook hands of most of the families and they left school and as soon as the last family drove off, l rushed to my office and collapsed into the seat. Just as l arrived, Dean also walked in feeling embarrassed and a little conflicted if l saw correctly. I then asked "How was your tour?" while inwardly smirking because he met someone he liked. He replied "I have to really thank you this time because l met Anne and she was really nice. We're going out to have fun next week and l invited you and the vice head to come as well if that's possible." I laughed inside because my plan was going perfectly. Now all that was left was to ditch them halfway through and leave them to sort things out while l restrained my sister. Which reminds me. I asked "What about Diana?" and he replied "I don't think that l really liked her because when l met Anne, l felt this indescribable pull towards her that l never felt towards Diana. I thought l liked her but l was wrong." As expected of the female lead halo. The male lead will always be attracted to her regardless of who she is and the second female lead will always be cannon fodder. I smiled and said "Me and Gary are definitely coming so l'll tell him when l see him."

Dean looked relieved and walked out with a skip in his step. I on the other hand started worrying about my sister. I needed to get her expelled and fast. But also, l needed to make sure she was not doing anything weird during the outing that Dean had planned. I waited for a while until the vice had came back before l went home. I told him all about the outing with the excuse of him always being all work and no play. I also said "You can think of it as a date if you want" with a wink and he blushed. Teehee, its so much fun to tease the poor sod. I closed the office and started walking towards my car when l noticed someone standing there as if waiting for me. It could not have been Gary because he is still in his own office and it could not be Dean because he left ages ago so who was it?

Indeed who was it? Can you guess? Read it all in the next chapter.                                                                Angel xxx

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