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As l was walking, l saw my sister casually leaning against my car door waiting for me. But how long was she even waiting? I know l spent alot of time in my office after the tour so she may have been waiting hours for this. I don't even know what she wants to say to me because l did not really much to her except stop her dalliance with Dean so incase anything goes south, l'm running away. I know l know l'm a coward. But who wants to spend time with a girl with violent tendencies that is absolutely angry at the moment. Not me. Definitely not me. I purposely walked slowly because l was dreading interacting with her and l just wanted to jump in my car and drive away as fast as possible. But when has this world given me what l wanted at the right time? When l finally reached her, she smiled at me and then slapped me across the face.

That hurt like hell bitch lasagna. My cheek was throbbing and l clenched my teeth. There was no way that did not leave a bruise and now l was going to have to go to school looking like a potato. That is not an attractive look at all. I did not even ask her why she slapped me but l just walked to the door of my driver's seat and sat in it. I didn't close the door because l knew she had something to say. She came up to me, bent down and said "Do you know what it is you have done?" and l replied trying to sound clueless "No. I do not know what l have done." She laughed in my face and then said "Good! Well done Mia Guang! Successfully seducing Dean and taking him away from me. I hope you're ready for the consequences of messing with me. And by the way, once he realises that you are not me, he'll definitely dump you and come running back to me. I know you know it so stop deceiving yourself." Tsk tsk. This girl is already assuming things but there is one thing she did not understand and l said "But he knows that it is me. I have two different coloured eyes. One blue and one green. I even have different hair. So how could he not know the difference. I think the one being deceived here is you. Stop lying to yourself and wake up. As for your empty threats, you who does not go to school. Don't you know the rumours people spread about you? And me being your sister who is the head girl and head of student council, isn't it easy for me to ruin your reputation? So before you start saying nonsense, can you think a little and look at the situation you're in?"

Damn, after saying all of that, l actually felt tired. I really need to sleep. I can't keep dealing with this girl right now. We'll continue when l'm awake tomorrow. I slammed the door of my car and drove off leaving my sister in the parking lot looking bewildered and a tad scared. Whoa, looking back this is my first fight with someone in this world. I've been a fairly good person so far and have not let my evilness seep through once but today l'd really had enough. I need to start ruining her reputation while trying to keep mine blemish free. Remember when l said that l had people that owed me things? Well now is the time to cash them in. I'm not gonna make things up like oh Diana had a baby with a gang leader and is currently being locked up in the mansion where she is being treated for aids. That is just too unbelievable and l would end up with a bad reputation for being a liar while my sister gets off for being pitiful and bullied by the older sister.

Nevermind losing my reputation, l could lose my position so l have to think about this strategically. The first thing l could do is let loose that she lost her virginity. I was even in the house at the time and she brought a boy over that was not Dean. Again, some sympathy goes to the poor boy because his feelings were being put on hold at that time. Anyway, me being me, l was curious to what they were doing and ended up videoing a whole hour of sex in interesting positions. My poor eyes needed to be washed with water after the whole thing. It was not my fault okay. I did not know they were doing that. I was just interested in the guy. (Not romantically). Anyway, I was going to broadcast the whole thing during a school assembly. Yes, cruel l know but like losing virginity before marriage is a big thing here that leads to the girl being jailed for 2 years. That's enough for me to carry out my plans.

Think that Jane is too ruthless? Me too actually but hey she was not exactly nice at the beginning so why should she pretend! keep reading for more.                                                                                               Angel xxx

Changing lives constantly: The prequelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora