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After looking for the video, l uploaded it to the school's student area first. The student area is kind of like the place where you can talk to your year group as well as your different classes and discuss the lessons, homework and extra curricular stuff. It is also where you get voted as head girl so l have many followers. They were all gonna see the video so l tagged my sister to it and said "Who's in the photo? *wink*" and left the platform straight after. Moments after posting the video online, my sister burst into my room saying "You bitch! Why are you doing this?" and l did not reply. She could have been recording me and l did not want to reveal anything that could stain my image. After a while, l said "Someone hacked my account and posted the video under my name." I was not even there at the time so when l came back to check, it was already online."

I have to seriously give myself 5 stars for being the most shameless person ever. But hey, to deal with a shameless person, you also have to be shameless. I also started recording what my sister was about to say. My sister then said "Is it because l threatened you in the evening because l wanted you to stay away from Dean?" and l replied "Tsk Diana. Why are always assuming things? Who says that me and Dean were even a thing. Besides its me and Gary who are going out on Saturday so how could l be with two guys at once? What are you suggesting?" My sister then blushed with shame and tried to walk out the door but then l asked "Who is the guy in the video?" and she replied "Its one of the people l was seeing." This girl is even more shameless than me. I said "But then aren't you the one who is two timing Dean because it seems like you are dating two people at once and you even lost your virginity to one of them. What are you thinking?" Diana then rushed forward and put her hand over my mouth saying "Don't be too loud otherwise my parents may hear." I then asked "So what are you going to do? Who are you going to choose? Not to mention l need to that guy to come back and take responsibility by marrying you. There is no way that you can get out of it. I will not forget to contact his family together."

My sister started crying showing her teary eyes to try and soften me up before asking "Can you just leave me to date Dean? I really like him and l was just confused when l let the other guy have sex with me." I replied "Of course, anything for my sister." She then smirked and left the room. I stopped the recorder and then cackled. This is such a great day. Now l have evidence that will make Dean loathe Diana and l can go to that boy's parents to get her married so she'll have to leave school and go to his where they can be together and develop feelings. Teehee, my mission is almost done. I immediately went to sleep after that smiling and giggling.

The next day at school, I pulled Dean back under the staircase and gave him the recording to listen to and then observed his facial expressions. From sadness to anger in literally one minute, l was amused. I then asked him "What do you want to do about this? Because l already have plans to meet the boy's family and ask that they take responsibility and quickly let my sister get married. I hope you have no objections." He laughed in anger and said "Indeed l have objections. In fact, l have no idea how l ended up liking this girl in the first place. Thank you for introducing me to Anne because she is way better than Diana and she actually likes me instead of toying with me like Diana did." I really felt sorry for the boy so l said "I'll hand this in as evidence for her expulsion because engaged to be married females are not allowed to be in a different school from their fiance." Whoever made that rule, l thank you from the bottom of my heart because you made life a million times easier.

I left Dean under the stairs and went to the headmaster's office where l submitted the evidence with both the recording and the video. The man was so surprised that l was showing him this l mean as her own sister l should be protecting her and deleting all evidence that this even happened but l really could not do that because the moment l did, l would not be able to leave the world as soon as possible. The whole process went smoothly though the atmosphere was a bit awkward and he said that she would be expelled. The video and the recording were then sent to my parents and l immediately left his office. I then went to talk to the boy's family after school and showed them the video. They were horrified that their son had deflowered my sister and so they forced him to take responsibility and marry her when she came of age. That meant that Diana needed to move out and go live with her future in laws. I saw her off the next day as she packed her bags and gave me a venomous glare which l returned with the sweetest smile. The very same week, on Saturday, l went out with Dean, Gary and Anne to lots of places but l ditched halfway through with Gary to give them some space and then went our own way. After, the week ended l received some mysterious texts.


Well...I'm not even a person so l don't think that this question applies to me. Anyway, did l pass the missions? Because if so, can l go home please?

Yes you did pass all the missions and all the side missions as well. That was quite hardworking of you. Its not like l had a choice. It was either die here or finish it and go home. 

About that...You can't go home just yet. WHAT?????

Yeah, there are still about 20 worlds left to go not to mention that is only minor worlds. WAIT! YOU ARE TELLING ME THAT I STILL HAVE TO DO THIS AGAIN?!

Yes, you do. But this time, because you successfully passed the first world, you get one wish. And no, it can't be a wish to go back home or for myself to be revealed. Fine. I would like to get sex appeal. I want to be the sexiest person in each world.

Are you sure that this is what you really want? YES! Otherwise why ask for it?

Wish granted. Now off to the next world Wai-

Downloading 3...2..1


Hohoho, the first arc already ended so soon. There will be more arcs to come. Read on. Btw, its Diana in the picture above for anyone confused.  Angel xxx

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