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I turned around because l felt some cold intent directed towards me when l was talking to Dean and then smirked. That surely must have been my sister who possibly thought that me and her lil love were doing something. This means that no killing intent will be directed onto Anne and l can now focus on not getting killed while arranging times for Dean and Anne to meet outside of school. I can even invite the vice head if there was an outing that required another male's presence. See that. I actually did something planned and well thought out for once and it worked. I nodded my head at Dean and casually left the staircase and walked to my own homeroom like a boss even though l was like 20 minutes late for the first lesson. Yes, l could have lied and said something like "Sorry l had a problem" but l was too lazy for all that. I just walked into the class and took my seat without saying anything. The teacher shook her head and continued teaching while l was certainly not paying attention.

After the first two lessons, I went toward the vice head (Gary) and took him to the office. It seems like l have been pulling people around lately. I then asked "Who is the designated guide for the Xing family thats coming in two days?" and he replied "Its Mary the head of music." Tsk thats troublesome. I can't really talk to the girl because of how closed off she really was. So l said to him "Change it to Dean." The poor guy looked so confused. He said "Why do you want to change it?" and l replied "Because he is more charismatic and will be able to show off the charm of our school better." I was so grateful in that moment that l had come up with a reason beforehand so l did not look suspicious at all. Instead, it looked like l took my job seriously which added to my graces and as a result gained the loyalty of the people working below me. Besides, l knew that Mary would have told me to change it anyway considering how shy she was as well. 

After talking a bit about the upcoming tours as well as who l was going to be touring and how everything was going to be coordinated, l went back to the classroom for the next lessons. I am already beginning to see why the former occupant of this body studied like hell. If you weren't even paying attention in class, everyone will literally leave you behind. Luckily, l am a lazy person with only one trait: Remembering everything that people say and anything else l read which is how l am able to keep up with other people otherwise l would have already failed a million times due to my day dreaming and planning for Dean. During lunch time, l finally met my sister in school after like two weeks. You would honestly think that my parents were paying school fees for nothing because she is never here at all. Its still a wonder how she is managing to keep up with class as well. But since mid terms were coming up, even she had to appear at some point.

I ignored her and walked up to get food but my good intentions of harmony were all thrown back in my face as l was dragged by her out of the cafeteria leaving my perfectly good food lying there and my stomach crying non existent tears. Again, we were back under the staircase because it is easy to hide there and talk about secrets. She asked me "What exactly are you planning Mia?" to which l replied nonchalantly "I haven't the faintest idea about what you're saying." Obviously that was a lie but l was not prepared for this confrontation. I thought about it for like a second before brushing it off saying she would not come find me so soon. But my bad luck played me and here l am lying to the queen of lies. Is that even possible? She just ignored my answer and asked "What are you doing with Dean?" and l replied "Well...Dean is just sticking around with me because he thought l was you and even made me promise my body to him to keep me around." Ohohoho, l cannot believe l just said that. Now Diana will believe that Dean wants her for himself which is not true because its just a little crush. Dean will believe that Diana is avoiding him and will intentionally come closer to me to make her jealous. And l can still play them both. What a genius l really am! Such a pity l was never an actor otherwise l really would have won a lot.

Diana left me alone after that and l walked up the stairs cackling like a weirdo and startling a lot of people. But l could not care less. The only missing bit of the puzzle is Anne who l will be seeing tomorrow at the touring ceremony. Hoho, l cannot wait for them to get started already. Like can this day go any faster please?

Another update. Tsk l really do love writing this book. Keep reading for more and don't hesitate to vote and comment. I'd really appreciate it.                                                                                                          Angel xxx

Changing lives constantly: The prequelحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن