Promised Land ~ Wade x Molly Songfic

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Another sleepless night, another night left to wonder and explore my thoughts. I laid in bed, staring up at the ceiling. I often found myself in this position, not being able to sleep, thinking about him. I jump and sit up at hearing a noise, but it's just Keeters jumping up onto the bed. I sigh and rub my eyes. Looking towards the doorway, I see a shadow, but then I realize it's my imagination playing tricks on me.

Laying back down, I grab my phone and open a text conversation with Jp. It's late at night, but I'm sure he's awake, either recording or editing videos. Keeters lays beside me as I send a quick "hey, can you talk?" He gets back to me quickly and engages in conversation. I describe the situation, then he says, "Remember what Wade would say: the sun keeps setting, what awaits tomorrow is left to write. Stay strong, Molly."

What awaits tomorrow is left to write.

Wade always said that when he comforted me for whatever reason I needed it. I didn't always understand it, but it seems to make sense now. Tomorrow is waiting for me, even if I see his name everywhere and find it difficult to keep going.

I smile as I put down my phone and finally fall asleep. When I do, I see Wade, reaching out to take my hand. Confused as I take his hand, I ask, "Where are we going?"

"The promised land," he replies with a smile, "where forever is waiting."

He takes me to a hill underneath a sky painted with bright, glimmering stars and an even brighter moon. We stand there in silence, content just being with each other, surrounded by the quiet of night. Wrapping an arm around me, he pulls me closer, and I lay my head on his shoulder. I admire the sky and say, "It's beautiful tonight."

Wade nods. "Indeed."

"If only it could last forever..."

"Even if we're not together forever, stay true to anything you believe. Don't give in to pain or fear." He kisses my forehead. "Keep your head up high, Molly."

I close my eyes as a single tear escapes down my face. "The memories will carry on with every new day."

He lets go of me. "Remember what's been left behind. Never hesitate to find yourself."

He fades away as I open my mouth to respond but can't find the words. Suddenly, I jolt up in my bed, the sun peeking through the window. Was it a dream? It must have been.

I get up and get tidied up. I must have been up later than I thought with sleeplessness because there are dark circles under my eyes and I look tired as hell. When I looked presentable in a red t-shirt and jeans, I walk downstairs, passing Wade's office without second thought about it. I make myself coffee as Presley and Ginger, somehow wide awake and full of energy, run around my feet. I sit down at the table with it as I open Twitter up on my phone and scroll through notifications. A message comes across from Gar: "Jp went quiet on us, any reason why?"

"I have no clue," I type in response.

"Well, if you hear from him, let me know. It's entirely possible that he slept in, but I need to confirm stream plans."

"Got it."

Suddenly, there's a knock on the door. I get up quickly and open it to find Jp there. He hugs me as he says, "I got the first flight I could to visit you." Hugging back, I respond, "You didn't have to, Jp, but thank you so much."

I let him inside to set down his bag of presumably clothes as he asks, "Have you been in Wade's office yet?"

I shake my head. "No, I can't do it."

"Have you visited where he is?"

"Once, I've been busy since."

"Do you ... want to do that today?"

I nod. "Sure."

Later, I find myself in front of the stone bearing Wade's name. I kneel in front of it shakily as I say, "I remember the first time we met, on Vox Populi. As we grew closer, you encouraged me to pursue my dreams and to live my life the way I wanted to, even if that would prove to include accepting a drunk man's dating proposal." I hear Jp quietly snicker at that comment as I continue, "You encouraged me to do so many things I was hesitant about doing. I can still feel the fire, the passion you carried. Thank you, Wade, for everything."

I want to go on, but I break down, tears exploding down my face. Jp holds me tightly in a hug as I soak his shirt with my tears. I can't even look back to the gravestone anymore.

Rest In Peace
Wade Barnes
A loving friend and husband
April 3rd, 1989 - December 14th, 2018

Light Up The Night | One-Shots | DiscontinuedKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat