The Fight ~ Matrck

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I tried with the ship name, I really did, but in case you dont know, this is a PatrckStatic x Mk (his girlfriend irl) oneshot.

Pat sighed as he sat in the driver's seat of his car, just having visited a slightly depressed Gar. Gar had been in and out of being sour during recordings lately, so Pat had gone to check on him. Turns out the girl he had been dating for over a year had literally disappeared without a word. He felt bad for him since he had seen how in love he was with her.

Suddenly, his phone started ringing as he started driving. He answered it on the hands-free thingamajig he had.

"Hey, Patrck," Mk said as Pat answered the phone.

Pat smiled at her voice. "Hey love, what's up?"

"How soon are you gonna be home?"

"Uh, I just started driving, so I shouldn't be a long ways away."


Pat frowned at her sour attitude. "Mk, what's wrong?"

"What did you say about me on your most recent stream?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm getting messages from people saying something about how you said that I tend to act bitchy at a certain time each month. What the hell is that supposed to mean?!"

"I don't remember saying that at all!"

"Really? Well, someone had actually clipped it and sent it to me, so don't lie."

"Well, I'm not, but even if I said that, people probably took it out of context. Let's be honest, people online tend to do that."

"Patrck, this isn't about other people, this is about you and what you said. Believe me, I watched that specific part of the stream over several times."

"Mk, I didn't mean what I said! I'm sorry!"

"You literally called me a bitch! Excuses aren't gonna cut it, you asshole!"

Pat suddenly started yelling. "I was never giving excuses, god damn it! I'm just trying to tell you the truth!" Tears started to cloud his vision. "Face it, I would never say something like that because I love you! I fucking love you!"

"But you did, Pat, you did! I loved you too, but this is ridiculous!"

"Marie, I - "

"Shut it, Patrick Dickson!"

With that, she hung up the phone. Pat couldn't stop the tears rolling down his face. He loved her, he really did. Yes, maybe saying that she tends to act bitchy on her period was a bit much, but he still loved her nonetheless.

He closed his eyes for a second to calm himself, but that was a mistake. When his eyes were open again, he found himself sideways on the road with a bigger vechicle colliding into the side of his car. He closed his eyes and whispered, "I will always love you, Marie," before some piece of metal pierced his body, cutting right through his heart and ending his life.

When the news finally reached Mk a half hour later, she collapsed to the floor and started sobbing. Her breaths were shaky and the tears seemed to have no end. She did love him, but their last conversation was an argument that ended with her telling Pat to shut up, which caused her to feel like his death was her fault. The thought of having to tell his friends what happened scared her.

"I'm so sorry, Pat," she whispered to no one. "I loved you."

A knock at her door, a swift opening, and then suddenly she was in Gar's comforting hug. "I heard about what happened and came here as soon as I could," he said softly. "I'm so sorry about what happened."

"It's my fault, Gar!" she said between sobs. "Our last conversation was an argument that I started! I'm the reason he's dead!"

"Mk, don't think like that, it's not your fault."

"Yes, it is!"

As she broke down into more sobbing, Gar didn't speak. Instead, he just continued to hug her tightly. He felt tears roll down his face, but he didn't care; he just cared about being there for his friend's girlfriend.

Rest in Peace
Patrick Dickson
A Man Loved By Many
August 19, 1990 - January 2, 2018



I hate myself for this.

Also, this was based on a prompt I found.

Also, this was based on a prompt I found

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~ Kat

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