For You

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I woke up in an unfamiliar place. The walls, floor, and ceiling were grey concrete, without any decoration, a steel door and a barred window on the opposite wall being the only things different. A security camera was shoved up into one corner of the room, emitting a green light indicating that it was on and working. The room smelled of something foul, something I didn't want to even start to think about.

I sat up slowly, my whole body aching and my head throbbing. I groaned in pain, wondering why I was hurting so much. The last thing I remembered was leaving my small studio apartment to go on an emergency snack run. I couldn't figure out what time or date it was or how long I had been laying on this floor.

The grey tank top I had on was all ripped up and barely hanging onto my body, while my leggings were untouched, minus the dirt that littered the black fabric. I tore off my tank top, leaving just a black sports bra covering my torso. I used pieces of the tank top to bandage some cuts I discovered on my body, finding no better use for the otherwise useless shirt.

Suddenly, my stomach grumbled loudly, expressing its desire for food. I sighed, not knowing when or how I could get food. I slowly got up, wincing in pain, and limped over to the door. I attempted to both push and pull open the door, but not only was I not strong enough, the door was locked shut. I crumpled to the floor, feeling extremely weak as I retreated to a corner.

I lied there until the door flew open, revealing a masked and armored man holding a limp figure, who appeared to be a male. The man threw the figure in without any regard for the figure and threw a stale roll of bread to me, slamming the door shut. I sighed as I nibbled on the bread, which had a disgusting taste but at least partially satisfied my hunger.

I observed the figure. It was a younger male without any facial hair and messy hair going in all directions. He was wearing a ripped-up blue shirt that revealed his torso with the way it was tore up and black basketball shorts with a couple rips that had little threads hanging. I fixed his hair to see his face better and felt a tear fall down my face for an unknown reason. I moved him to put him in a more comfortable position when he would wake up, whenever that was, and wondered about how he got here and why he was here.

A week passed, and he was still out cold. Numerous times, I had checked to make sure he was alive, and I always found a pulse, along with his breathing. Since it was already ruined, I used his ripped-up shirt to bandage a few cuts I found on him, like how I had bandaged my cuts with my shirt, but I felt partially bad when I discovered that the shirt displayed the logo of the hockey team, Tampa Bay Lightning, which had to be the male's favorite team.

Suddenly, he began to stir right after I finished. I jumped back quickly, scared a little bit by the suddenness. His eyes opened to reveal two green orbs looking straight at me. He barely asked about what was going on before the door banged open to reveal two men like the one that had thrown the male in the room a week before. The one stayed silent while the other gruffly demanded that we come with them. I quickly got up and helped the male up, who I assume was weak like I was when I first woke up.

Following the men, with the male's arm on my shoulders, we were led to a room similar to ours, but much nicer, decorated with various things such as paintings, bookshelves filled with books, and furniture. I almost dropped the male into a chair until I noticed one of the men access a secret panel in the wall that opened a door down into a dark chamber. The other man pushed us down there, into a poorly lit room with traces of blood and a man in a clean suit with his back to us. The men that had brought us here shoved us down onto our knees with their guns, and the male's arm fell from my shoulders.

The suited man slowly turned around and revealed himself to be holding a gun himself and holding a pipe between his lips. He chuckled as he removed the pipe from his mouth and sat it on a metal table. "I'm impressed. Neither of you died or went crazy while in that room. In fact, it seems that one of you was smart and prevented infections of your cuts." I shifted at the mention of what I did for myself and the male next to me. "You know, I have never seen that before. Or seen someone stay so quiet for an extended period of time."

"Why are we here?!" the male suddenly exclaimed, receiving a smack from one of the men behind us. The suited man shook his head and continued, "Nor I have seen someone so rude to interrupt someone else to ask a selfish question." He walked closer to the male. "Next time, don't interrupt me." As he walked back to his original spot, I noticed the male scowling for a brief moment. "Now, as I was saying, by what I've seen, I've ought to release you two, right?" He smirked. "Wrong. I got more up my sleeve. How about we play a little game I like to call 'Sacrifice'? Oh ho ho, this one is my favorite."

I deeply inhaled as he spun his gun around in his hand and pointed it at the male as he walked to him. The look on the male's face became one of pure fear. His breaths quickened and the suited man calmly said, "I could easily put a bullet in your head, Jeremiah..." The man shifted from him to me. "...And I could just as easily put one in your head, Katherine..." He smirked and he shifted back to Jeremiah. "...But it would be more fun if I kill him and make you watch or watch a sacrifice happen."

With his eyes dead on me, he calmly said, "Make your choice, darling. You or him." I looked over to Jeremiah with fear and panic. He gave me a sad smile and said, "It's okay, just let me go." I shook my head at him and finally spoke for the first time in a while, saying a rough, "No, I can't do that." I looked to the suited man. "Just shoot me, please."

He chuckled as he pressed the gun to my head. "Are you sure about this, darling? I see no problem with your decision, but you can change your mind."

I looked back to Jeremiah with tears leaking out as I said, "I'm sorry, please remember me, Jp." Looking back to the suited man, I said, "Spare him and shoot me."

A bang and then nothing.

I was gone.



Found the first three paragraphs in a Google Doc for my descriptive narrative ideas that was created before I decided to use an edited version of Starlight part 1 instead.

Idea: "having to kill yourself to save someone else"


~ Kat

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