A Live Proposal ~ Brigan

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As Girbeagly started up a livestream, he suddenly became nervous. He was planning to propose to Morgan during the stream, but he didn't know how he would do it so that his fans knew but not Morgan. His early fans started asking in the chat why he wasn't talking yet, snapping him from his thoughts.

"Oh, yeah, sorry, hi everyone!" he said. "I didn't realize I was live yet. I guess I just got carried away in my thoughts."

He started interacting with the chat and saying hi to people just joining. He knew that he wasn't acting like he normally does when livestreaming, but no one in chat seemed to pick up on it, maybe because he was trying to hide it.

"Brian, I'm going out," Morgan said.

He turned to face her. "Okay, see you later. Text me if you need anything."

"I will."

"Bye, Morgan!"

With that, she left, so he turned back to continue the stream. He interacted with chat until someone donated ten dollars.

"Oh my god, you guys don't have to do that! Thank you, but please keep your money and use it for yourselves! Save up to go to a convention and meet me!"

'#nervousbagel' someone said in chat.

"Why are you saying I'm nervous?" He didn't wait even a minute before he said, "Well, okay, yes, I'm nervous. I'm planning to propose to Morgan tonight."

'BRIGAN BRIGAN BRIGAN BRIGAN BRIGAN' someone said but then got timed out for caps.

"Guys, careful with caps cause Nightbot will kick you if you do that too much, and no one wants that."

People continued to freak out in chat, but being careful of caps while doing so. Brian payed close attention to chat in order to pick out the non-freaking-out chats, but there were barely any.

"Jeez, you guys won't stop freaking out," he commented. "I did not expect this, my god. Just please act normal when Morgan gets back at least, but I would appreciate normality right now." Right then, someone donated $20. "'Here's a congratulatory donation for you.' I don't need that, randomismylife! Please take that back! Use it for yourself! Use it to save up money to get to a convention!"

He continued to be emotional for a couple more minutes before he was back to interacting with the chat, reading messages and answering questions, before he heard keys jiggling right outside the front door.

"Morgan's back," he said. "Everyone, act normal. Don't say anything about what I'm about to do, and don't ruin this moment with donations!"

Right then, Morgan came in with some shopping bags. "It's meeee!"

He turned to face her. "Hey, Morgan! Need me to help you?"

"You could, but - "

Before she finished, he stood up to 'help.' After the bags were plunked down, he grabbed her hand and said, "Morgan, I think you are the most amazing woman in the world, and I just love you so much."

"Are you doing what I think you're doing?" Morgan asked.

"Shut up and let me finish. Anyways, I don't want to spend the rest of my life without you. You are so beautiful and amazing and wonderful that I just cannot resist loving you." He dropped down on one knee and pulled out a small ring box. "Will you marry me?"

She gasped, her eyes getting watery. "Oh my god, are you serious?!" He nodded. "Yes!"

He put the ring on her finger and then got back up and kissed her. He didn't even glance at the chat, but he knew that his fans were probably freaking out in chat and some most likely being timed out by Nightbot. He didn't even care at this point. He was just happy that he gathered the nerves to propose to the love of his life, Morgan.

"I love you so much, Morgan," he said to her.

"I love you, too, Brian," she said in reply. "Are you going to continue streaming?"

"I don't think so. I feel like taking you out for a nice dinner."

"Okay, sounds good."

Brian went back to his computer and ended the stream, saying goodbye to everyone first, of course. After that, he and Morgan went out for a nice dinner.

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