Starlight Pt. 1 ~ Ethan x Reader

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"Hey, Sugarbaby, wanna go for a walk?" you ask your excited pup you had just gotten a couple weeks ago.

Sugarbaby, a golden retriever puppy whose name the previous owner had given her, wags her little tail in excitement as her tongue hangs out of her little mouth. You laugh at how adorable she is as you attach the leash onto her collar. Before leaving, you grab your keys and your phone and stuff them into your pocket.

As you walk out of the house with a firm grip on Sugarbaby's leash, you look up and admire the beautiful night sky. You normally don't go out for night walks, but tonight is a night too beautiful to not go out for a walk. You've always loved the beauty of the night sky, especially when city lights weren't there to obscure the beauty of the glistening stars. Tonight, you aren't guided by the light of a flashlight; rather, starlight is guiding your steps. It is a very clear night, and all of the stars have come out to play.

As you approach the dog beach that's not far from your apartment, you notice someone else out walking a golden retriever older than your own. He appears to have blue hair, but you can't clearly tell. His golden retriever happily trots alongside him, the leash relaxed. You smile at the sight of them. You say, "My god, they look so adorable together," out loud, but only loud enough for Sugarbaby to hear.

As you draw closer to the man and his dog, there seems to be an air of familiarity about him. You can't think of where you've seen him before, but you do know that you had met him before. Sugarbaby pulls at the leash, straining to meet the man's dog. You laugh and let Sugarbaby approach the dog. When Sugarbaby gets close enough, the man's dog perks up and becomes curious. The man laughs as he kneels down and pets Sugarbaby.

"You are so cute, you lil' pup!" he says in a cute voice.

You smile. "Her name is Sugarbaby. She's only a puppy. I got her a week ago."

He looks up at you. "I recognize you!"

You gasp. "You're the man I met at the vet right after I got Sugarbaby!"

"Oh my god, I remember that! Your name is [Y/N], isn't it?"

"Yeah, that's me! You're Ethan, aren't you?"

"Yep, and this is Chica."

You kneel down to get on Chica's level and pet her. "She's so adorable!"

He chuckle. "She's not actually mine."

You get up. "Really? Then who does she belong to?"

"My good friend, Mark."

"Oh okay."

"[Y/N], do you want to walk on the beach with me and Chica?"

"I'd love to!"

As you and Ethan walk out onto the beach, Ethan takes Chica's leash off, but you keep Sugarbaby's leash on since she's only a puppy and you don't want to lose her. Chica, though being off the leash, stays by Ethan's side. You look up at the night sky once again and admire the beauty of the stars. Your steps are still guided by the starlight rather than a flashlight. The reflection of the stars on the water is magnificent and absolutely beautiful. The ocean glistened in the light from the stars dancing in the night sky, a sight you don't want to forget. You had never been on the beach at night before, so it is even more striking. When you look over at Ethan, he seems to be captivated by the beauty as well.

"It's so beautiful tonight, don't you think?" you say to Ethan.

He nods. "Yeah, it really is. You really have an eye for natural beauty."

"Yeah, it's something I picked up when I was a child. My parents would take me on camping trips frequently, and consequently, I developed an eye for natural beauty."

"I wish I had been able to go camping more often as a child."

"It's quite an enjoyable experience. I also picked up the skills of tree climbing, fire making, wood cutting, and other random ones I can't remember."

"Tree climbing?"


"You'll have to climb a tree for me one day."

You laugh. "Where are there trees to climb in L.A.?"

"You could just go to a park."

"True. Any interesting skills you have?"

"I can do a backflip."

"Show me."

Ethan directs Chica over to you, then he positions himself for doing a backflip, counting to three before flipping. You are about to applaud when his footing becomes unstable and he falls.

"Oh my god, are you okay?!" you ask with concern evident in your voice.

Ethan nods as he gets up. "I'm fine, I've had falls that were worse before."

"Well, at least you fell on the soft sand."

"The soft sand was probably why I lost my footing."

You chuckle. "Then don't flip on the soft sand, you idiot!"

He chuckles before sitting on the sand. "I wish every night was like this."

You sit next to him, pulling a sandy Sugarbaby onto your lap and directing Chica back to Ethan. Chica sits next to him on his right side, her tongue hanging out the side of her mouth. You smile just at the fact that's it's such a peaceful night and remark, "Yeah, it's such a beautiful night."

You two sit on the beach with the dogs for a while, silence and beauty all around you. You're still captivated by the beauty of the night when Ethan's phone buzzes in his pocket. He declares, "Mark wants his dog back."

You laugh. "Wow, we must have been out here longer than we thought."



"Yeah, [Y/N]?"

You hesitate before you admit, "I love you."

Ethan doesn't respond with words; rather, his lips lock with yours in a kiss. Your eyes widen in surprise, but then you take it in willingly. While you two kiss, you feel the starlight shining onto your interlocked faces, and you smile in the kiss. When you two separate, you're left with a smile on your face. You feel like you're on cloud nine.

"Hey, what's your phone number so I can call you later?" Ethan asks. You recite your number, and he gives you a thumbs up as he pulls out his phone and puts it in his contacts. "Awesome, thanks. I'll give you a call tomorrow."

"Alright, cool." You get up and take ahold of Sugarbaby's leash. "I'll see you later, Ethan."

He gets up and grabs Chica's leash, which he had put on her collar when you hadn't been paying attention. "See ya, [Y/N]."

As he walks off, you smile. You still feel like you're on cloud nine from the blissful kiss you had with Ethan. You hand absentmindedly brushes over your lips, still captivated by the kiss. You look up at the night sky again and think about the kiss and how perfect it was. The atmosphere surrounding it had been absolutely perfect, with the dancing stars shining their light on you and Ethan during the kiss. Now that that kiss had happened, you feel that starlight and natural beauty will forever be an aspect of your relationship with Ethan, especially since you had an eye for natural beauty.

Suddenly, Sugarbaby tugs on the leash, begging to go home, and wakes you from your thoughts. You suddenly realize what time it is and where you are, so you walk Sugarbaby back home. When you check your phone, you find a text from an unknown number.

*un* - hey, it's Ethan from the beach 💙

You quickly save his number under the contact name Ethan 💙 before you sent a quick reply.

you - yeah, hi, ily 💙

Ethan 💙 - ily2 💙

You smile before putting your phone down and grabbing Sugarbaby before she could get sand everywhere. "You're getting a bath, you sandy puppo. I'm not letting you get sand everywhere again."

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