'Who asked you to come here, how did you get in, and most importantly wear some pants please... ' I shut my eyes irritated and she laughs

'Aww you are so cute... ' she pulls my cheeks

'Ritika... Get out before Ananya comes back... ' I say her threateningly

'Why are you so scared of her, let her see us... ' Ritika again slides her arm around my neck and pushes her body to mine

Enough...! Now I will hit her...!

I raised my hand to remove hers, then I hear the door opening, and Ananya enters inside, carrying Amayraa in her arms

Her eyes immediately dart towards us, as kitchen is right in front of the entrance and she took a sharp breath, and closed her eyes seeing us practically glued together...

Welcome Mrs. Aayan Varma,
Temperature - 23°C
Humidity - 73%
Number of members in the house - 4
The smart house computer voice spoke...

Ritika smirked at this, and left me, and turned around winking at me...

I glared at her and wore my specs which were at the kitchen counter

'Good morning Ananya... ' Ritika greeted her sweetly

Ananya gave her a cold look and walked towards Amayraa's room, without even glancing at me and replying anything to Ritika

'Get out or else you will face the consequences... ' I warn Ritika and she rolled her eyes and walked inside my room

I sat on the dining table with my one hand over my head and massaging the temples with another...

Now she will surely think that, I spent night with Ritika

Damn I will be labeled as cheater, even though I didn't cheat...

You signed up for this, now suffer...

Shut up... I scold my mind

I was massaging my temples when Ritika came out after changing into her dress

'I kept your shirt back in closet... ' She informed

'Take it with you, I am anyway going to burn it, because you wore it... ' I say not looking at her

'How mean... ' She whined

'Just Go... ' I show her the door and she huffed

'Call me when you need to irritate your wife again....' She said

'You won't be hearing from me, anytime soon... ' I say massaging my temples, not looking at her

She stomped her feet and turned around to leave,but then she stopped

'I really had fun last night baby, see you soon... ' She said sweetly and I look up at her creasing my eyebrows together, and she winked at me, while I stare at her confused

Then my eyes land on Ananya, who walked in the kitchen with a blank expression on her face and I shut my eyes slowly in disappointment and covered my face with my palms

Arre yaar...

I hear Ritika closing the door and Ananya taking out something from the refrigerator, I look at her, but she didn't glance at me even once...

I sigh in frustration and get up from the table, and walked out of the kitchen, opening the buttons of my shirt

Half and hour later...

I Will Never Be YoursWhere stories live. Discover now