Chapter 113

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Next Day,
San francisco International Airport, California
Aayan's POV

After submitting my bag for the luggage, I collect my boarding pass, and walk towards the gate, I receive a message from my boss, well Ex Boss who wished me good luck for my future endeavours in India...

I have to go back, Ved is right, I have to finish the story I started 3 years back, which I left incomplete and ran away like a coward, Ananya deserves a happy life, and no matter how much I try to ignore, She will be happy with me and I have to be a better person for her..

From the very start of our relationship, all we faced were difficulties for some or the another reason, well mostly because of me, and all Ananya did was to suffer, so last time I decided that I will stay away from her, so that she lives peacefully, but I was wrong...

My phone rings and I look at the caller and couldn't help but smile

'Sameer Bro...' I answer

'Aayan ! Did I hear it right ? You are actually coming back... Oh My God, I can't believe it...' he says happily

'Yes... It is true...' I chuckle

'It was a good decision Aayan, and thankfully taken on a right time...'

What does he mean by right time...

'Why ?'

'Ummm... Promise me you won't say this to Annie...' He sounds hesitant

To say anything in front of her, I must gather courage to speak first...

'Okay... I promise...'

'She is losing her patience bro, few days back she mentioned divorce...' he began, but I cut him off in between

'WHAT !'  I say a bit louder and the co passengers in the lounge stare at me bewildered 

To hell with them...

'Listen to me... I understand that freaks you out... But she is not wrong you know...' Sameer says

Freak out ? I am terrified !

'There is no way she is getting one...' I say, angrily, but my hands turned cold listening to this...

'See... This is your problem... You still can't control your anger...! Do I need to remind you, that you guys are in this situation because of that impulsive temper of yours...' He scolds me and I sigh

Of course, how can I forget that...

'Calm down brother, and yes it's good that you are coming back, use this as a last chance to get your Ananya back... And let me tell you, you have no help this time, but luckily no enemies too...' he chuckles at the last part

'Why Vansh left the country ?' I ask curiously, expecting a positive answer...

'You wish...' Sameer chuckled, 'But don't worry about him, Khushi got him covered...' He says

Oh right... He got married too...

'Okay, I'll be there tomorrow, around 1 p.m. Indian time...' I say looking at my watch

'Great...! Me and Ved will be there to pick you up....'

'Sameer... Does she know...' I ask hesitantly

'We don't want to unleash the wrath of the goddess of anger, so no one opened their mouth in front of her and Amayraa, Ananya is becoming a sadu like you now a days, so no one messes with her...' He says, and I control my laugh

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