Chapter 97

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Next day...
City Civil court, Bangalore...

Ananya was waiting for Ila to come with the details of the courtroom alloted to them

Mr. Murthy was also waiting with her and her boss Deepak accompained them too, to see whether Ananya doesn't do anything stupid...

'We'll rock it today...' Bikram exclaims and Ananya sighed

'Yes, only if you do what is right...' Mr. Deepak said, not looking at Ananya, but she got the message..

'You look tensed child, are you alright...?' Mr. Murthy asks Ananya concerned

'She is just nervous Mr. Murthy, all the lawyers get nervous before the hearing, it's quite common...' Mr. Deepak said

'Don't worry, I have faith in you... You will definitely get me justice...' Mr. Murthy smiled and Ananya's boss gave her a knowing look

She smiles faintly at him and then her phone rings, and she excuses herself and walks away

'Paa...' Ananya answers the call looking at the ID

'I hope I am not late to wish you good luck, Princess !' Arjun says from the other side and she smiles

'No Paa, we are waiting for the courtroom allocation...' She replies

'Alright, All the very best my baby, you will do excellent today...' Arjun says

'Thank you Paa...' She says trying to control her tears

'What's the matter Ananya...? Are you nervous...?' Arjun asks concerned

'I am horrified Paa...' Ananya says, her voice cracking

'Why ? What happened...? Is everything okay...?' Arjun asks

'Paa, my very first case is against...' She began, but then on the other side Jai snatches phone from Arjun

'Heyy...' she hears Arjun whining

'Will you talk to my daughter all by yourself ! Let me wish her too...' Jai says and then answers the phone

'Hello, Princess...! It's me your favourite Paa...' Jai says and Ananya chuckles, imagining Arjun's pissed off face

'Everyone knows who is her favourite...' Arjun huffs

'Yeah, and that's me... Hello ? Ananya...?' Jai says over the phone

'Yes Papa..' Ananya answers

'All the best Princess, I know you will crush your opponent today...!' Jai says and Ananya's heart clenched

'Thank... Thank you Papa...' Ananya managed to say

'Where is Aayan...? I hope that duffer is with you right now...!' Jai asks

'Papa, he had work, so he dropped me to the court and left for his office...' Ananya replies and Jai huffs

'Gadhe ka Baccha...! He is going to get a huge lecture from me today...' Jai says and she hears Arjun laughing in the background, she too chuckled at this..

'What...? What's so funny...?' She hears Jai asking Arjun, who kept laughing

'Crazy old man...! Here beta, your mom wants to talk to you...' she hears shuffling of phones and Arjun's laughter in the background

'Tell me what's the joke, I wanna laugh too...!' she hears Jai's faint voice and then her mother's voice

'Hello Ananya...?' Naina answers the call

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