Chapter 41

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(A/N - Chapter 40 is the character's Rant...  There is no missing chapter... 😊)

2 years later....

'Bhai...! Bhai... Wake up... ' Ananya shakes Vansh, who is sleeping like a baby, holding his stuffed Rabbit...

'10 minutes Annie... ' Vansh mutters and snuggles himself more into the pillow...

'Bhai... It's 9:30... The director will  reach the studio in half n hour... Wake up... Or else you'll lose this film too....' Ananya pulls his quilt

'Tell him to come tomorrow... ' Vansh says in his sleep

'Bhai...!  He is a very famous director... He will go to some other production house... He doesn't need you, you need him.... Leave the bed... ' Ananya pulls his legs now

'Annie ! He won't wake up like this... ' Vikrant, Vansh's best friend enters his room

'Bhai, please wake him up and get him ready, I'll set the breakfast... Or else even I'll be late for work... ' Ananya says to Vikrant and snatches Vansh's stuffed rabbit from him

'Hey... Leave Mr. Bunny alone, he is scared of you... ' Vansh whines not getting up and Ananya leaves his room

'Mary, please start making the breakfast, Bhai will be here in 10 minutes.. ' Ananya says to their house keeper

Vikrant, climbs on his bed and stands hovering above Vansh, and evilly grins

'Wake up Bitch or else... ' Vikrant warns


'And That's a power bomb... ' Vikrant yells and jumps on Vansh's stomach, hitting him with his elbow...

'Owwww......' Vansh cries and jerks up from his sleeping position..

'You son of a bi.... ' Vansh gasps caressing his stomach

'And this is how you wake up a sleeping ogre... ' Vikrant climbs down his bed

'Why are you here...?' Vansh asks scratching his head

'The director and his team will be at the studio any time, get ready, we have to reach there before... This film is really important for us okay...
V- square needs a big film to boost up... Enough with these advertisements... ' Vikrant says in a serious tone

'Yeah yeah...' Vansh says getting down his bed and then glanced around..

'Where is Mr. Bunny...?' he asked horrified

Vikrant rolls his eyes... 'Have some shame,  you are 28, and instead of a hot model, a stuffed rabbit sleeps beside you... ' he comments

'Mr. Bunny was with me since I was 6... He is my bro... So..  Bros before hoes... ' Vansh said and looked around

'Ananya took him... ' Vikrant says and Vansh gasps and runs out of his room

'Annie.. Give him back to me... ' he calls and Vikrant chuckles

His phone starts ringing, and he glanced at the ID and then runs behind Vansh...

'Vansh Vansh Vansh... My Dad...  He wants to talk to you.... ' Vikrant gives him the phone

Vansh quickly takes the phone and presses the receive button

'Hello...?' Vansh says

'Kiddo...! Good that you are up... ' Sid says from the other side

Sidharth Mehra is Vansh's parent's best friend and Vikrant's father too...
(Just in case you guys forgot)

'Yes Uncle, I was already awake when Vicky came... ' Vansh lied and Vikrant hits him

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