Engagement (Part 1)

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Engagement Day..
New Delhi...
5 p.m.

Aayan was getting ready for his big day and Ved was helping him, they are at Aayan's old house, where he, Ananya and Jai will live together after the wedding, once Aayan shifts back to Delhi...

He was smartly dressed in Royal blue tux, and Ved was helping him wear his tie...

'When will you learn wearing this by yourself... ?' Ved whined, because he was struggling to tie the knot

'Why do I need to learn ? Your sister will help me after marriage... ' Aayan smirked and Ved chuckled

'Well, it's still a mystery to me that how both of you agreed for this marriage...?' Ved hands him the jacket

'Your sister couldn't resist my charm...' Aayan said proudly fixing his hair and staring himself in the mirror

'Eww....' Ved hits him

'But I really think it's good you know, that Annie is marrying you, I can trust you with my baby sister, she is precious for us, I don't know, If I can have faith on any other man with her... ' Ved continued

Aayan's smile fades at this and he avoids looking at Ved's eyes

'Promise me that you will take good care of her... ' Ved gestures his hand forward and Aayan hesitantly looks at Ved

'Ved you know... ' Aayan says slowly, but they were interrupted by Vansh entering Aayan's room

'Heeelllloooo Jijaji... ' Vansh said and Ved chuckled

Aayan smiles at Vansh but he doesn't reciprocate, Aayan gets confused at this and then sees that he was carrying some papers with him

'What are these papers...?' Ved asked

'I want Aayan to sign these... ' Vansh said in a serious tone

'What is it..?' Aayan asked

'It's a prenup...' Vansh said and Aayan - Ved look at him shocked

(A/N - Prenup or Prenuptial agreement is a premarital agreement or contract, between a couple intended to marry, which contains provisions like division of property or spousal support after divorce, it can also includes a provisions like forfeiture of property by the spouse if the other partner is found to be engaged in Adultery

Lawyers please correct me if I am wrong...)

'Vansh are you out of your mind...!' Ved exclaimed

'What's wrong in that...?' Vansh raised his brows and Aayan read at the contract

'You don't trust Aayan....?' Ved asked

'I am just securing my sister's future, I don't think Aayan must have any problem in signing this if his intentions are clean... ' Vansh said

'There is an additional clause in here that states, that I won't be able to claim any rights on Ananya's assets, but she can claim on mine... ' Aayan chuckled

'Yes I specifically added that... ' Vansh said

'You think I am marrying Ananya for Big Dad's money...?' Aayan asked

'This is ridiculous Vansh... ' Ved said irritated

'I cannot trust anyone with my sister Aayan, she is precious to me, I would've made any man who wants to marry Ananya sign this....' Vansh said

'I cannot remarry after I am separated from Ananya !' Aayan laughs reading the agreement

'Vansh...!' Ved stares at him shocked

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