Chapter 59

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'Arjun, what do you mean... ?' Naina asks

'Yeah, few weeks ago you were ready for this marriage... Now you are denying...! What's happening...?' Jai asked

'Paa, did I say something wrong...?' Ananya asked bewildered & Vansh smiled at his father

'Can I talk to you outside... ' Arjun said to Naina and walked out

Naina looked at Jai and then at Vansh, confused and walked out

Arjun was pacing to and fro in the hallway, when Naina walked towards him..

'Arjun what are you thinking...?' Naina holds his palms and Arjun sighs

'We shouldn't have forced Ananya for this marriage, Naina... ' Arjun said

'Forced her...? But we didn't say anything to her.... ' Naina said bewildered

'Then why did she agree for this marriage all of a sudden, after saying no for it before...!' Arjun exclaimed

'You think I forced her...?' Naina asked

'No...!  But I am confused because of her sudden change of mind... ' Arjun said

'It's her choice Arjun, none of us said anything to her, when she declined the proposal...' Naina said

'Why do I feel it's like, what happened during our marriage...! You were forced to marry me... You didn't agree by yourself.. You were blackmailed...' Arjun looked away

Naina made him look at her

'I don't regret marrying you Arjun, and I will say this 1000 times everyday if you want me to, yes at that point I didn't want to marry you, but I could never thank Maa enough for forcing me... ' Naina said holding Arjun's hands tightly

'But Ananya... ' Arjun tried to argue

'Ananya agreed for this marriage, by herself no one is forced her, she is not doing this under any pressure Arjun, she likes Aayan... ' Naina assured him

Arjun didn't say anything, he just took a deep breath

'Ananya is a grown up, she understands what is right and wrong... Don't worry... ' Naina said stressing every word

'I don't feel good about this Naina... I don't know why, but I feel Aayan is not good for Ananya... ' Arjun said in a low voice

'You are being an overprotective father right now, in this way any boy is not good for Ananya... Relax.... He is Jai's son, your best friend's son, what else you need... ' Naina said

'Why do we need to marry her off to anyone Naina, I'll take care of her na... ' Arjun whined and Naina chuckled

'Don't be stupid, Ananya is not going far away, she is going to live across the street once Aayan shifts to Delhi... You are over thinking... ' Naina smiled at him

'Are you sure....?' Arjun asked nervously

'Arjun, don't worry... Ananya will be fine... '  Naina assured him

Arjun nodded, but deep down he was not convinced that he is doing the right thing

'Maa... Aayan is awake now.... ' Vansh called

'Come Arjun.... ' Naina said and walked inside the ward

Arjun who was unsure about this alliance, nervously walked behind Naina to the room

2 weeks later...
Vansh's house
4 pm...

Aayan was feeling better now, he was resting in Vansh's house and Naina, Ananya, Jai and others were taking care of him

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