Chapter 8

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Aayan's POV

'Ved ! I can't come to your house, I mean, I'll be very uncomfortable there man...I... ' I said irritated on the phone, waiting for a cab outside Delhi airport

'Why ? This is your family as well Aayan...We grew up together, there are no strangers here....!' Ved replies

Who is bothered by the strangers, it's known people that scare me more...

'I agree, but I haven't seen or talked them, from like, 2 years... That will be really awkward.... ' I try to reason

'You will not be uncomfortable Aayan,  trust me... I'll be there with you...' Ved says calmly

Sometimes I wonder how this saint is my best friend...

'But Ved... '

'It's Your Naina Mom's order... ' he chuckles

Well... There is no point of argument after this...

'Okay... ' I sighed

'So at what time is your arrival, I'll pick you up....?' he asked

'No need,  I am already at the Delhi Airport, waiting for a cab... '

'Whhattt....? You said you'll come by 12....!' he exclaimed

'Long story bro, will tell you as soon as I reach there... ' I said and my cab halts in front of me

'Come soon, can't wait... Maa will go crazy, when I'll tell her, that you are arriving here in like 20 minutes... ' he chuckled

'Naa, don't tell her, I want to surprise her...' I said getting inside the cab

I can't wait to see Mom either...

'Okay...See you... ' he said and hung up

God how will I face all of them...
It's not that I hate Ved's family, I mean, I practically lived with them till I was 10, before me and Ved were sent to boarding school by our dads...

I clench the seat, at that memory...

I wonder, how Ved forgave his Dad so easily,  because honestly he was more mean to us, than my dad, when they decided to send us away...

This is so awkward, Families always make me uncomfortable no matter how much I try...

Alteast Mom and Ved will be there... I can survive, But ! What will I say to Papa...? I am always short of word when I face him...

Those horrific memories, his mean words flood my mind whenever I see him...

My dad was not like this always, he changed after mom married that bastard...!

This is the only reason I hate coming to Delhi...

These stupid memories make me feel miserable, I turn into this 10 year old crybaby again...

My reverie was broken by halting of the car...

'We reached sir... ' The driver announced

I pay him the fare and get out of the cab, which halted in front of huge bunglow, with an iron gate, with Thapars engraved in golden font...

I turned around to see an equally huge house, with Varmas name plate over it..  It has Dad's, Nitaaraa's and my name...

Dad removed our old plate, which even had Maa's name on it and also, now we don't live here, as none of us could bear the negativity inside this house, after Maa left...

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