Wedding (Part 1)

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2 weeks later...

Aayan's POV...

I am speeding my car towards the hospital, breaking the traffic signals and ignoring the curses of the fellow drivers...

She needs me... I have to be with her, how can I be so irresponsible... I shouldn't have left her alone.... God know what will be her condition

I am driving with a speed of 100kmph, in the busy city of Delhi, god knows how many challans and reckless driving tickets I am going to get, but who cares, My Ananya needs me...

I see the hospital on the other side of the road, and take a sharp U turn at the divider,ignoring the honks from other speeding drivers and  screeching sounds of their tyres, when they had to halt abruptly because of me...

I drive towards the hospital and parked at some spot, I didn't bother to check and ran inside the hospital...

'Ananya Varma...where is she...?' I ask the receptionist, while trying to catch my breath

She quickly typed something on the computer,and then looked at me..

'Mrs. Ananya Aayan Varma, Maternity ward, Private room no 7... she is about to be taken to the delivery room...that way....' she points at her left

I mutter a quick thank you and run towards the ward...

But then a voice inside me screamed,

'What the hell is happening...? When did she get pregnant...! I vowed  myself that I won't touch her... whose baby is that....!' 

Exactly, when did this happen...!!

I ran inside the room, and there she was clutching the bedsheets tightly with one hand and other one on her big belly, her face was red and sweaty, tears rolling down her eyes, she was taking deep breaths

I see sameer sitting next to her, trying to calm her down...

What the hell is he doing here...!

'Bro...' he smiled at me and Ananya furns towards me and smiles weakly

'You reached... Thank god...' She says and then winces in pain

'When did this happen...?' I blurt out and both of them stare at me shocked, especially Ananya who glared at me..

'Bro what are you saying...' Sameer asked me

I really don't understand what the hell is happening here...

'Exactly Aayan, what kind of ridiculous question is that...' Ananya growled and then cries in pain

Doctor rushes towards her
'Let's take you inside Mrs. Varma... ' she says and Ananya nods and I didn't realise that even I am sweating very badly

'Don't show me your face... ' She warns me as they take her inside the delivery room

Somebody please tell me what is the hell is this...

'Don't worry bro, we'll get good news in no time... ' Sameer smiled and I am panicking very badly...

Arrey, but I didn't do anything to get this good news...

How is this possible...

I didn't even marry her, why are they addressing her as Mrs. Varma...

Am I time travelling or something...

We hear Ananya's loud cry and then sound of a baby crying

WHAT THE HELL....!!!!!!!

I wake up with a jerk as the beeping of alarm broke my sleep, and quickly turned on the side lamp...

I Will Never Be YoursKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat