Chapter 75

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2 weeks later...
New Delhi...
City hospital...
7 p.m.

Ved was nervously sitting on the chair outside the doctors cabin, his palms were sweaty and he was occasionally glancing at the door waiting for Deepika to come outside...

His wedding was one month away and he had a lot of pending work in the office, he was not able to focus on his work, which was annoying Arjun...

How will Papa react to this...?
What will I say to Maa....?
What will Deepika's family think...!
Shit shit shit...

He stood up and started walking to and fro waiting for Deepika, he was very nervous right now, he was not ready for this responsibility...

I should've been careful...
I have so much to do in life, this can't happen...

He frustratedly kicked the chair, and then winced, the ward boy gave him a are you crazy look and Ved muttered a quick sorry...

Relax Ved, she is not even sure....
Maybe it's nothing, maybe I am overreacting...

Come out Deepika... Please I am dying here...

His phone began ringing and he picked up without glancing at the ID, his eyes never leaving the doctors cabin

'Hello...?' He answers

'Big brooo.... Wassup... ' Vansh said loudly from the other side and Ved put the phone away from his ears wincing

'Easy there Vansh, I am not deaf... ' He says irritated

'Yeah okayy... Ask Maa to pick up my call naa, or better give your phone to her, I wanna ask her something... Pleaaseee....' Vansh whined over the phone

'I can't give her the phone, I am at the hospital... ' Ved replied absentmindedly

'WHAT...!' Vansh literally shouted that brought Ved back to his senses

'Why are you at the hospital...? Who is sick...? Is Maa okay....? Did anything happen to Paa...? Sash Chachu, Adi Chachu, Bade Papa...? Chachi...? who is there Ved...! Answer me... ' Vansh asked panicked

'Vansh calm down, everyone at the home is okay, no one is here... ' Ved tried to calm him down

'Then what are you doing there...? Are you okay...?' Vansh asked

Ved sighed, 'I am okay, it's... It's Deepika...' he said nervously

There was silence on the other side, Ved could hear Vansh take a deep breath

'Okay, What about her...?' Vansh asked in a low voice

'Okay, just promise that you won't panic or something and definitely not share this with anyone.... ' Ved said

'I promise... ' Vansh's voice was a mere whisper

'We think Deepika might be pregnant... ' Ved replied nervously and Vansh took a sharp breath

'Are you sure...?' Vansh asked

'No, that's why we are here, she thinks she is pregnant, because she is noticing the symptoms like, late periods, back pains and others... ' Ved replied and Vansh didn't say anything

'I hope she is not pregnant man, I am not ready to be a father... ' Ved sighed

'Did you figure out, how will you reveal this to Maa and Paa....?' Vansh asked

'Paa will kill me bro, he is already annoyed because I am distracted at the work now a days, I don't know how will he react if he learns that I got Deepika pregnant before marriage...' Ved sighed

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