Chapter 28

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Narrator's POV

Aayan and Ved were driving towards Singhal's residence to give Sameer the file and also Ved had to discuss few things with him about their joint project..

'Why can't you guys meet in some cafe and discuss...?' Aayan asked while driving the car

Ved sighed.. 'Trust me Aayan... I tried... But Sameer is not well, and we need to start with the 1st module of the project, and also I couldn't deny to the repeated requests from your mother....'

Aayan clenched the steering wheel...
Ved noticed this...

'But don't you worry, it won't take more than half n hour... I have prepared the proposal in such a way, that, I just need to explain to him for about 10 mins, rest he can take care by himself... ' Ved said nervously

'How will I face her man, I didn't see her after Nitaara's wedding... ' Aayan said, looking at the road

'Listen you don't have to come, if you are so uncomfortable...  I will tell badi mummy that you were not well... ' Ved said

'I am not leaving you alone with Prateek and Yash Singhal....' Aayan said with disgusted look on his face

'Prateek Singhal is out of town, so I only have to deal with Yash... ' Ved said

'I know that scoundrel, he won't let you work peacefully... ' Aayan said angrily

'Thanks for doing this bro... ' Ved says smiling

'Yeah... ' was all Aayan could say, he took a deep breath..

He was very nervous to see his mother after 2 years, it was not the same nervousness he felt when he met Jai, it was different....

If he was just angry with Jai, he was scornfully angry with his mother

Because none of them answered his questions properly when he was young, although whenever Aayan needed Jai, he was always there no matter what, but Priyanka distanced herself from her kids as she was always occupied with the responsibility of her new kids..

Aayan vowed himself, to never ever call her or try to contact her when he was 14...

Even on Nitaara's wedding, he kept his distance from her by keeping himself preoccupied with the work

But today after 2 and a half years, he was going to see her... 

They stopped in front of a huge mansion and the guard opened the gate for them

Aayan drove their SUV inside the bungalow and halted in front of the entrance, where his mother and Sameer were waiting for them smiling, and Aayan held the steering tightly, taking a deep breath

Just think about the good times you spent with Bade Papa, when you see them
He remembered Ananya's words

'Time to test your theory Ananya... ' Aayan muttered

'What...?' Ved asked

'Nothing...' Aayan said getting down from the car...

Priyanka was dressed in a royal blue saree over a full sleeve blue sweater, with an expensive kashmiri shawl wrapped on her left shoulder, diamond studs in her ears and a diamond necklace, her greying hairs were tied into a neat bun...

She looked very different from what Aayan was used to see her

She comes forward and hugs Aayan
'Welcome my son, I am seeing you after 2 years, see how weak you have become... ' She said with tears in her eyes

Aayan was not affected by her tears, because he knew she was being fake, she hardly cared about him or his sister

'Hello Maa... ' Aayan says without any emotion in his voice, like he is greeting some client

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