Chapter 26a

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Vansh walks inside his room and locks the door from inside

He takes deep breath, to stop tears from falling, he was hurt by his father's remark...

Ved getting a 100 crores investment and you being promoted to Head photographer is not the same...

He remembers his words and grabs his sports trophy from the shelf, and throws it angrily on the floor, smashing it into pieces

He feels little better after this...
He winces seeing the pieces on the floor and walks out to his room's balcony to get some fresh air...

He stares at the stars twinkling in the sky, it was luckily a clear night, he like his mother, loved to find happiness in small things

His anger was also like Arjun, spontaneous and short lived...

Maybe he is still angry that I didn't join E market... He'll be fine one day...

He closed his eyes and felt the cold breeze on his face, which was also calming him down..

He relaxed a bit, and was about to go inside his room, when he heard muffled sobs, from Ananya's room, which was adjacent to his room

He peeked from his balcony to Ananya's balcony, and saw Deepika crying...

She was sitting on the floor, staring at the sky and tears were rolling down..

Vansh jumped from his balcony to Ananya's tapping his feet loudly to make his presence known

Deepika is startled by the sound and quickly wipes her tears and looks around to find the source of the noise

She looks at Vansh, and gets scared thinking him as Ved

'Wo Ved... ' She tries to stand

'Relax...  I am not Vediiee Boooo...' Vansh says making her sit and she chuckles

Deepika looks at him and realises that Ved was wearing a suit, whereas Vansh was in casuals, so the twin sitting beside her is indeed Vansh

Vansh makes himself comfortable on the floor, stretching his legs and hands and then turns to Deepika..

'Sooo... Deepika...! What's up...?' he asks

'No... Nothing...Actually I was tired after that decorations and stuff so just wanted to rest for sometime... ' she fakes a smile

'Hmm... Since when resting meant crying for your crush... ' Vansh says casually looking at the stars

'What...! I wasn't crying..! What crush... It's nothing... ' Deepika stammers

'I thought crying for your man is old school... But Wow... This still exists...! You know you can always swipe right... ' Vansh winks

'I am not crying for anyone Vansh... What are you saying... ' Deepika looks away

'I know you have a crush on Ved since your 10th grade....' Vansh says yawning

Deepika's eyes widened, she stared at him shocked, her mouth open

'Close it or a fly will get inside... ' Vansh chuckles

'Crush on Ved..! What are you saying..!   I don't have any crush on...on... anyone... You are being paranoid... ' Deepika says getting uncomfortable

'Oo... Cut it out already...! Everyone knows about it...!' Vansh says

'What...! Oh my god everyone ? You mean Uncle, Aunty, You, Kitty, Rudra...?  *Gasps* Does Ved know...? Oh My God ! How will I face him...?' Deepika asks panicked

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