Chapter 112

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3 years later...
California, USA...

The continuous ringing of the alarm, broke his beautiful dream and he groaned in frustration, he opens his eyes and moves his arms to the other side of the bed, to find it cold and empty as usual...

Even after 3 years, Aayan was not used to sleeping without Ananya on his side, although they shared bed only for a brief period, of their almost one year marriage, she became his habit, a habit he cannot get rid off...

He sighs and sits up on the bed and stretches his arms, he glanced at the watch it showed 7:30 AM, he still had time to get ready for office, so he leaned against the headboard, Amayraa must be back from school now, Aayan quickly picks up his phone and dials Ananya's number...

The call is answered after two attempts, which made him restless, but he sighs in relief seeing his princess's face...

'Hey Paa ! Good Morning...' Amayraa smiles at him, through the camera and he smiles back, she was his princess, growing beautiful day by day, just the big scar on the corner of her forehead can be seen, which reminded him and Ananya the horrific incident... he couldn't believe the little munchkin who used to called him Aaya and fought wih him for spongebob will be 6 in few months...

'How was school baby...?' He asks, wearing his specs

'It was good, we learned multiplication today...' she tells him and then yawns 'So boring... I am gonna skip maths, I am telling you...' she says and he chuckles

She is showing traits of being Ananya's daughter...

'You must be good in math, if you want to be an engineer....' Aayan says

'Too much pressure on a little kid, today's parents I tell you...' Amayraa whines dramatically and Aayan laughs

'I see your Maa is having a good influence on you... Where is she ?'

'Annie is in office, she'll be here in around 10 minutes, she said... you know what Paa, Vedika will stay with us for the rest of the weekend...' Amayraa says excitedly

'That's great ! Now you both will wreck the house together, Poor Ananya ! And don't call your mother, Annie Baby, how many times do I have to say... call her Maa...' Aayan says in a serious tone

'I know she is my mother, But she doesn't look like a 6 year old's mother, she looks too young, I don't feel like calling her Maa... and she doesn't mind me calling her annie either...!'

Aayan raise his brows 'She doesn't look like your Maa at the age of 29, but I look like your Paa...'

'Paa, you are old... How old are you ? 36 ?' She asks

'For your information, I am 32 years old... And don't call me a old man, if you want your computer...' he threatens and Amayraa rolls her eyes

'You'll give it to me anyway... but okay if you are going to act like a baby, I won't call you Old Man....' she says

She's becoming the junior version of Ananya... God, I was struggling with one, now you gave me two...

'Good Girl....' he sighs, but then she smirks

'I'll call you Grandpa...' he laughs and runs away giggling, keeping the tab on the table...

'What ! Amayraa... come back here....' he calls, but sees no one on the screen, just the view of his living room...

'Amayraa...?' He calls again, but she doesn't come back, someone picks up the tab and Aayan smiles at him

'Hey Dad...' Aayan smiles and Jai smiles at him

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