Chapter 90

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Next day...
10:30 pm...

Ananya was adjusting the pillow on her bed, she was wearing her pajamas and her hair were open..

She then pulls out the bed from Aayan's sofa cum bed and adjusts the mattress so that Aayan could sleep there comfortably..

He was in the adjacent room, trying to make Amayraa and Shivaalika sleep, she could hear the girls giggling and then Aayan's faint voice, requesting them to sleep...

'Please baby dolls, sleep now, I will take you to the park tomorrow morning... ' Aayan says pleading

Ananya chuckled hearing that, he sounded so helpless, she could imagine him with a tired face, trying to control the two energy balls and make them sleep...

But yes ! No one can control them except Aayan, he never raised his voice on the girls, but somehow managed to make them listen to him...

He was indeed very good with kids, he is a great Father and Uncle...
Ananya wondered how good he will be with his own kid...

And this mere thought made her nervous, because he was Aayan afterall and she has risked her emotional self again, and if he fails her again this time, she may not be able to love again...

Last time he tricked her with his attention, sweet gestures and fake care, and she still feels stupid falling for them, but not this time, her dream wedding and blissful married life which was always wanted was shattered because of Aayan's obstinance...

And now everything was at risk once again, because if Aayan makes everything okay and then breaks her trust once again, she won't be able to recover...

Ananya and her mother Naina, had a lot of things in common, and sadly, the men they had fallen for were the most confused beings on the earth, however Ananya's man was a step ahead, he was confused, trapped in his past, somewhat bipolar and arrogant...

Her task was more challenging than her mom, but she was not among the ones who give up and run away from the situations, she was a fighter, who was ready to fight all odds to achieve what she always wanted, a happy and a content life...

After making Aayan's bed, she walks out of her room and stands in front of Amayraa and Shivalika's room to check whether they slept or not..
Hearing no giggling sounds, she assumed that they slept, so she decides not to disturb them and comes back to her room...

She lies on the bed and covers herself with the quilt as winters were about to start in Delhi... She closes her eyes, but sleep was far away from her, she couldn't help but rethink about her decision of giving Aayan another chance...

He is not a heartbroken boy next door, who can be pacified by counselling, he was Aayan, the most difficult man ever created by God, his own parents cannot control him, how can Ananya do that...

She sighed and turned to another side, facing the night lamp and tried to sleep

This time I won't fall for his tricks.... Even if he says that he doesn't want revenge or anything, he still cannot be trusted...

Who knows he will change his decision tomorrow morning and then I will be the one who suffers ultimately...

I can't fall for Aayan again and again, but I cannot deny that, I cannot love any other man except him...

What a mess my life is...!

God please help me...!

Ananya turned to another side, trying to get comfortable, and after sometime she felt other side of the mattress sinking and stiffened..

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