Both of them practically kicked their way out of one another's hold.

"Oh hey Tae, how's life?" Asked Jimin to his best friend, trying his best to just play it cool as he dusted his clothes.

"Not as good as yours." Chuckled Taehyung slyly with a wink over at his best friend who blushed deeply at him. "What were you two doing? Don't tell me your a couple now?"

"No way!!" Both him and Yoongi yelled at the same time as you laughed loudly at their embarrassed reactions from the sidelines.

"Oh come on Yoongs!" Cheekily let out a red haired boy as he swung his arm over Yoongi's shoulder, taking the shorter boy by surprise. "There's no point in hiding it you know~!"

"Shut up Hoe suck!" Shouted Yoongi as he punched the red head away from him, his eyes sending Jimin a glare before he stomped his way away from them all with the grumpiest of faces covering his features and the slightest of pink tinting his cheeks.

"Ugh!" Frustratingly let out Jimin, grabbing both Taehyung's and your hands while tugging you both away from the scene. "He's so annoying!"

"Which is why the both of you would make the perfect couple."

Ignoring your remark and also ignoring Taehyung's snickering over it, Jimin led the both of you towards your usual spot; under the shade of the giant tree near your school grounds.

"I can't deal with him anymore!" Exclaimed Jimin angrilly, stomping his foot at the ground. You whistled at that.

"Whoa, calm your balls for a bit, you've known the guy for, I don't know, your whole entire life?!" You pointed out to the blonde haired boy who only scowled at your words.

"Don't remind me." Pouted Jimin as he sat on the grassy ground, as you and Taehyung followed suit.
"I hate the fact that our parents are friends, and you constantly reminding me of that is torturous."

"I'm just pointing out facts my chim."

"Well stick your facts up your ass and try to change the subject instead of annoying me more."

"About changing the subject..." Laughed Taehyung out nervously, his smile stretching out and morphing into a boxy one as his hand waved nervously at someone in greeting from afar. Both you and Jimin raised an eyebrow at his sudden change of behavior, your heads snapping towards where the young grey haired male had his gaze directed to like two confused kittens.

You gawked at the sight that greeted your vision along with Jimin, who's jaw was hanging open by now.

"Holy shit-- who the fuck is that hottie?!"

"Y/N!" Panicked Taehyung as he raised his hand to slap it over your mouth. "Don't yell it out for the whole universe to hear you!!"

"Mhm! Mhm!" You shouted out from under his hand while giving it a small lick for good measures, Taehyung immediately backing away from you in disgust while you only laughed loudly.

"Seriously Tae who the hell is this guy I'm suddenly feeling too gay for?" Asked Jimin, his eyes not daring to drift away from the tall red haired handsome man with the ebony eyes and muscular figure.

"H-he's that new freshman that transferred from Busan a few days ago..." Trailed off the grey haired boy as he scratched the back of his neck nervously. "I-I...well you see he's my new neighbor--"

"He's your neighbor?!" You hissed at the boy practically bouncing on his back out of excitement. "Tae you better jump on him before I beat you to it."

"I--I don't know if he's into guy's in the first place..." Embarrassingly mumbled the tall grey haired boy, he's cheeks puffing out with a small tint of pink covering them. You cooed at the boy's cuteness, as you sweetly asked the boy while crouching down slightly in front of him--

"What's his name?"

Taehyung frowned at your question, his eyes suspiciously eyeing the cheeky smile that you had on.

"Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook."

You devilishly grinned at that as you suddenly got up from your place.

Taehyung's eyes widened at you clearing your throat.

'Oh dear god--'

Jimin smirked already predicting your next move.

"Y/N don't you--!!"


The said 'Jeon Juncock's' head flinched in your direction, his ebony eyes looking at the smiling you with a frown.

"KANG FUCKING Y/N!!" Shrieked Taehyung as Jimin laughed loudly beside him, the blonde haired boy's head falling back on the ground along with his entire body as he vibrated out a fit of loud laughter.

You yourself laughed, and combusted fastly away from the Kim Taehyung, who would probably soon going to be the reason why you were choked to death.

But your legs didn't combust in any direction.

Of course, they directly took you too--

"Hey Jungkook!" You yelled happily as you hid yourself behind the confused boy's back. "Just to be clear here, I'm just helping my friend in not staying a virgin for the rest of his life."

The boy choked on your words, as you happily waved at someone with a grin from behind his back.



The boy was abruptly cut off by a body slamming right into him, his body not expecting such an impact, his muscular hands unconsciously and automatically wrapping themselves around the body that slammed into him as they both stumbled on the ground.

A loud groan escaped Taehyung's mouth once feeling his head bump into the ground beside the boy that he just slammed into's head, his eyes widened when he felt a hand gripping his ass as a grunt was heard coming from under him.

Under him.

Slowly lifting his head up slightly to look at the person harassing his ass, his cheeks instantly flushed red when he saw a wide eyed Jungkook staring back at him from right under his nose.

"H-Hi Taehyung." Chirped Jungkook to him nervously, his hand never leaving the older's ass.

Taehyung doesn't know if it's accidental or on purpose by now any more.

"J-Jungkook, I-I--"

Taehyung was cut off by a voice he grew to despise for the last few minutes suddenly speaking from behind him.

"Well come on, show me some action."



That was cringy xD I'm sorry you had to read this lol


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