The Failed Attempt

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"Stop right there!" A guard commanded. Edgar squeezed my hand and ran.

That was a failure of an escape. They caught us in a minute. Edgar tried squirming, but didn't succeed. We were pinned against a wall.

The guards stripped Edgar of his gun. I watched in horror. Then they came and patted me down. However, the dagger was gone. It left my thigh.

"We only found this gun." one guard said to the other one.

We were taken to a prison. It was right next to the court. We would be taken to a hearing the next day. Edgar and I had to go separate. All night I looked for a way out. My dagger returned to its spot. Stabbing didn't work, the walls were made of iron.

The next day was the hearing. And the judge running it was only my one enemy. Lucy. She had a mischievous look on her face.

No matter how many times Edgar tried to lie, his attempts were futile. Lucy could see right through them.

Edgar was sentenced to execution and I was sentenced to life in prison. As we were taken out, Lucy slammed me against the wall.

"Once the king dies, you'll die too." She sneered.

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