Four Years Later

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Quickly, you don't want to be caught.

I dashed with immense speed, but it wasn't enough. I stumbled. This was one of my stupid ideas. I was a hardware shop owner. Recently, the shop where I bought my supplies had closed down. I was in desparation, so I stole the hardware directly from the factory where it was made. I snapped back to my senses, covered in water, ice cold water. It was November 28th, a day before my birthday. I was turning seventeen. 

"There! that is the girl!" one of the constables that were chasing me yelled.

"Girl, give those back!"another one exclaimed. Instead of giving the metal to them, I kicked one in the groin and made a run for it.

If I were you, I wouldn't have done that. Gwendolyn groaned. I ignored her and continued running. I made it into my house just in time. 

My house is a big one that is very noticeable. The previous owner talked me into buying it. It has about ten bedrooms, a dining room, lounge, kitchen and a large garden. I even heared about some secret rooms.  I heared knocking on my door. The constables knocked. 

"We know you are in there." one of them yelled. I let them in and returned the goods. The public didn't particulary like me. The strange thing about me was I could answer questions that some men couldn't. They thought I was a death goddess in disiguise. 

They said my punishment would be told in the morning.

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