The Mind Battle

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You're not going to get away with this.

"Yes I will." I responded. I remembered the incantations I had to shout, I just needed the book. It was in my room, just as I was about to grab it, everything changed.

I found myself in a swampy area. It was cold, but I didn't care. Right beside me, a dagger laid on the ground. It was for me, I knew. I grasped it and ran. My knees buckled and I found myself staring at the most beautiful woman ever.

Her hair was strawberry blonde. She was tall, with cheekbones. But I knew who she was based on the eyes. Pure gold, that only belonged to one person. Gwendolyn.

I grasped my dagger and stood up. This wasn't real, so I wasn't afraid of pain. Gwendolyn scowled and slowly reached for her dagger. She shouted and charged for me. I wasn't a good fighter so the only thing I could do was dodge. The knife sliced my cheek. Don't look I thought.

"If this was the real world you'd on your knees, howling in pain." Gwendolyn sneered as she reached to strike me. I slid under her and tugged her to the ground. That made me weak.

Gwendolyn reached to stab me in the heart. I dodged, but still got sliced on the right side of my stomach. I couldn't help but look. It was bleeding. I squeezed the wound.

"Die!" Gwendolyn howled. I stood up and made a run for it. Blood dripped down my side, creating a blood path.

"You can run..." Gwendolyn muttered.

I ran faster past vines and thorns. Then it hit me. I grasped the thorn bushes and used it as a shield.

"But you can't hide!" Gwendolyn yelled as she charged towards me. Her dagger moved swiftly, attempting to cut the thorns in half. I bent them to trap Gwendolyn and suffocate her. Gasping for air, Gwendolyn used her free arm to cut my forehead. The blood dripped into my eyes. I wiped it out. But I wasn't quick enough. Gwendolyn slit my throat.

I fell face flat onto the ground, gasping for air. Blood filled my lungs.

"Fool" she scowled. I knew it, I was weak. I couldn't challenge her, she was strong. Very strong.

Suddenly, I felt the blood coming back into my body. A presence healed me. My eyes narrowed at the dagger. It was glowing silver.

I felt strong again. The dagger was healing me. I felt powerful. Panting, I stood up. Gwendolyn stared at me in shock.

"Impossible" she muttered. And with that, she disappeared. The landscape turned into my bedroom again.

I rolled onto my back panting. Suddenly, I felt something sharp. It was the dagger. A silvery one. It fit me perfectly.

Time stopped standing still. I felt free from Gwendolyn again. It felt good.

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