Confessions and Feelings

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I woke up in my bed. I wanted to believe that I didn't suffer severe blood loss, but I was proven wrong. Just as I touched my neck a sharp pain appeared. I wanted to scream in pain.

Hastily, I dragged myself out of bed and down the stairs. On the couch, Edgar was sleeping peacefully. His complexion was normal, a fair complexion like mine except slightly darker, but not tan. His blonde hair was tousled in front of his eyes. I knelt down to look at him.

"Thank you." I whispered in his ear and then I was off.

Nice try Irene. Stop hiding.

I never asked for your opinion Gwendolyn.

Opinion? HA! That was the truth.

I facepalmed.

Work was normal, except for Carolyn. She was worried about me. I told her I'd be fine, but she was being stubborn.

After Lunch, Carolyn told me how she knew Edgar, which was also connected to how she died.

Edgar's parents were killed when he was only ten years old. After that, he was taken as a slave to Carolyn's father. After five years, when Carolyn was almost thirteen , all of the slaves were freed and her parents fled, leaving Carolyn behind. On her thirteenth birthday, Edgar went insane. His eyes were green instead of purple. Possessed Edgar's main drive was revenge. Since Carolyn's father wasn't there, he took his anger out on Carolyn and killed her. Fortunately, Edgar didn't have a soul sucking weapon, so Carolyn could still be a Dead Ghost. She moved down here and lived in the prison, nowhere to go.

I went home thinking of Carolyn's backstory. Then I thought of last night's events. I shed tears, thinking about how heartless I was. Then I realized something and all the anger came towards me.

I ran home and the first thing I did was punch Edgar in the face. He grasped my wrists and pulled me to the floor. Then I realized something

What the hell am I doing. I wanted to cry. I held it in.

Later on that night, Edgar and I were drinking when I couldn't hold the crying in anymore.

"I-I'm sorry." I sniffled. Edgar looked my way.

"I'm-I'm SORRY THAT I AM SUCH A BURDEN!" I blubbered. Tears streamed down my face. I continued blubbering.


Edgar quickly leaned in.

Kissing me, Straight on the lips. The moment that still makes me cry. His hands grasped the back of my head. I didn't resist. I trembled. He pulled away after five seconds.

"You are the only thing keeping me alive, I want you, I love you Irene." he whispered.

"I-I am the girl you promised you'd come back for." I muttered quickly.

He kissed me again. I didn't hesitate to kiss him back.

"You saved my life more than enough." Edgar whispered.

That night, he slept in my bed, stroking my hair and brushing it out of my face. I loved it. I loved him.

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