Prolouge Part 3

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So my last suspicion occurred the day after I took my math final exam. My face was pale and I was biting my nails in anxiety. I didn't want to fail this test. Hands quivering, as they called my name I slowly walked up to the teacher and took my test. As I prepared to sit down, I heard the speaker announce,

"Irene Holmes to the office please, Irene time to go." I thought to myself, why would I need to go. I quickly looked at my test, no surprise an A and rushed out the door. At the front office I bumped into Mitch head first.

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry Mitch, are you alright?" I asked in a panicky tone.

"Ow my head."he muttered "oh umm Irene, I am alright, you?"he blushed


"-Excuse me miss."an unknown voice interrupted. I whipped my head over my shoulder.

"Umm yes?" I whispered.

"I came to escort you to your new home , you may have noticed some strange things going on in your life. I have come to you for the truth."the man explained. He was stocky had a long nose and appeared to be quite short. He cleared his throat,

"I came on behalf of Jonas McLean, your artisan." he explained further. Artisan? I have none, besides artisans didn't exist since the 19th century. What on earth was he talking about.

"Follow me."he spoke.

We walked behind the school. I cleared my throat and said "I don't get what is going on, will someone please ex-"

When I opened my eyes I was in my room.

"Well, write your goodbyes." the man muttered. Goodbyes? What was happening?

I grabbed a piece of notebook paper and wrote.

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