The Poison and The Blood

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More of the mobs of people continued to attack. I suggested we try to ignore them. That was a dumb idea. I didn't want to be known as a murderer, so I wouldn't dare letting Edgar shoot anymore of them.

We tried a bunch of ideas, but we just decided to ignore them and use the back door to exit. I picked up my pillows and blankets and dragged them into a different room everyday.

When I thought things couldn't get worse, they did. One cloudy morning, Edgar and I sat down to drink some sweet milk when he started gagging on it. I panicked. In a minute he was on the floor. I kept my calm though I felt like crying. He was poisoned. I went to the jail for advice.

"Carolyn!" I yelled. She whipped her head over.

"I need help, could you help me?" I said, giving her some new sharpening tools. She loved sharpening knives.

"Edgar has been poisoned and I need to find a way to get the vampires to suck the poison out." I explained.

Carolyn shot me a dirty look. I knew she hated Edgar, but I didn't know why. Edgar never dared to tell me.

"Come after hours, and bring Edgar with you. But first, speak to them." Carolyn explained as she sharpened the knives.

I went up to the vampire's cell. I learned that they were vampire criminals that went around the island killing others. There was one woman around the age of 29, but was a Pureblood vampire, the other vampire was a male Ex-Human around my age. I never forgave them after what happened.

"umm Exuse me?" I asked quietly.

Really , you have been ignoring me this entire time. SPEAK UP FOR ONCE! Gwendolyn yelled

"What, little girl." The female one grunted

"I need your help suck poison out of someone's blood." I replied. The two vampires looked at eachother and started discussing something quietly so I couldn't hear them. Finally, after a few minutes, they turned around.

"We will do it." The female one said. I beamed.

"But on one condition." The male said, hissing.

"Live Ghost blood is quite delicious. If only you could give us some of your own." He continued, reaching for my neck. I jerked away quickly. I closed my eyes and thought. This was for Edgar, I want to save him.

Wow, you totally like him, it couldn't be just an act of selflessness.

I ignored Gwendolyn and sighed. I was going to do this, even if it meant my blood.


I dragged Edgar's limp body in a cart. Palms sweating, I took a deep breath as I opened the door. Carolyn looked up at me with her menacing eyes. She carried her largest knife as we walked to the cell. The Vampires looked at me and smirked.

"Bring the boy in here, but leave the pale weakling outside." The female sneered.

"Yes ma'm." I replied nervously, biting my lip.

"My name is Helena and his is Jackson." Helena growled. "Jackson, take the girl's blood as you need it more than I do. Jackson reached over and bit me in the side of the neck.

The pain was unbearable. It was sharp, strong and fierce. My vision blurred as I watched Helena suck the poison out of Edgar's body. My legs shook. I felt like I was going to faint. Just before my vision went black I saw Edgar move. Arms flailing, I fell to the floor.

I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't see, I couldn't yell. All I could do was hear and feel. Jackson continued to suck my blood. I thought I was dead for sure. Suddenly I heared a hard push and Jackson was off me.

I heard Jackson and Helena screaming in tortutre. Then I heard Carolyn mutter to Edgar,

"Take Irene and run."

Edgar picked me up bridal style and before I knew it I was unconcious.

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