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Edgar squeezed my hand. We walked through a busy town. All of the people looked at us in shock. Edgar didn't seem to care, but I did. He even tried flirting with other women. I lowered my head as we walked, trying not to be noticed.

We arrived at the prison in time. Carolyn and Logan greeted us. Edgar told them the plan.

"You can't" Logan muttered.

"We'll come back, don't worry." Edgar responded cockily.

"No, I could care less if you come back, I'm just saying it's dangerous, you won't make it past the guards with only a gun." Carolyn muttered in disapproval.

"Irene, show them the dagger." Edgar commanded.

"Oh um okay." I snapped out of my thoughts. The dagger was hidden in my skirt, tied to a strap on my leg.

"Excuse me." I said and walked to a private location. There, I unsheathed the dagger. It was its usual color, silver. No glow to it.

"Here" I said. Carolyn and Logan looked at the dagger, analyzing it.

"Very powerful." Logan whispered.

"How do you know that?" Carolyn asked.

"Dunno, just do." Logan responded.

They looked at it some more, then gave it back to me.

"Keep it Irene, it's very useful." Logan instructed. I nodded and squeezed the dagger.

That night, I stared out the window. Everyone was doing their usual. Then a strategy for escape hit me. Once the soldiers were at war, that's when the two of us will escape. The guards would care more about intruders than runaways.

2 Weeks Later

I had almost forgotten the idea. Nothing had really happened. All was normal. I continued doing what I had been. Until it happened. Soldiers were being sent out, many people were nervous, especially the families of the soldiers. I didn't care how this war turned out, all I cared about was leaving. That night, we prepared.

We took horses and prepared to escape. However, we were stopped by guards.

"Shit, we're dead for sure." I muttered.

A/N Hey guys, you're awesome, but....ONLY TWO MORE CHAPPIES

Yes, there will be a sequel FOR SURE!!!!

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