Chapter 11

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"No. No, this can't be happening." Serena whispered as she held her face. Tavi and I stared ahead at the blood.

Fabian, Tyler, Will, Lucas, Xana.

I ran into the house, only to see the place completely trashed. There was blood on the floor, blood on the walls and blood on the tables. What happened in here? I moved towards the kitchen and saw a terrifying sight.

Darius with half his face covered in blood, as though he was skinned.

"DARIUS! NO!" I yelled.

I yelled again and again. Then I screamed.

Fabian. I need you. Where are you? I really need you.

"Al...ber....ta." I heard a gruff voice say.

"He was-"

"Save your breath." But he doesn't listen does he?


No. Darius.

"Don't die on me. Stay with me buddy. Come on." I said placing his head on my lap.

He coughed up blood. I could feel my eyes burning up, the warm liquid threatening to spill.

" th-the...mem..ories. I' could.....n'"

But before he could complete, he fell limp in my hands.

No. NO!

I was sobbing. Darius can't be gone. I checked for a pulse, but I couldn't feel any. I fell forward, onto his chest, unable to hold myself up any longer.

Darius can't be gone.

He can't....

I stared wide-eyed at whatever was in front of me. I heard it.

"He's still got some life left in himself." I whispered.

"GUYS! Help me out! We need to rush him to the hospital!" I shouted to Serena and Tavi.


"Luna." The doctor called out.

"Doc. Is he going to be alright? Did the surgery go well?"

"Well, there's both good news and bad news. Which one would you want to here first?"

I drew in a shaky breath.

"Good news."

"The surgery went well and his internal bleeding has decreased significantly. It should stop completely in a few hours, considering his werewolf healing. He's resting right now. The bad news is that we don't know when he's going to wake up."

"You mean..." Serena trailed off.

"He's in coma. Isn't he." Tavi asked, more like stated.

The doctor looked at us sympathetically. I looked away. Pity is something I don't want from anyone. Especially not from a doctor. It usually means bad luck, for me at least. He excused himself to attend to another patient.

"Well, he's alive. Right? That's what matters most." I said sinking into the seat outside the operation theater.

"Hey Doc! I've got one more question!" Tavi hollered out to the doctor.

He turned around and made his way towards us. "Yes, Beta Female?"

"He's going to wake up right?" She asked him, her eyes filled with concern.

"There's a 78% chance that he will." With that he left, again, in a rush this time.

Tavi sat down next to me, while Serena went to inform The General, Darius's uncle.

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