six | casino lights

Start from the beginning

We were supposed to appear as tough as possible, intimidate them and show them who was the real boss, but it was tough to do that considering the strange sound that my shoes were making while I was walking. They were still wet through and through from the expedition out to the open sea that we did in the early morning. It was just the four of us, tailing after Junmyeon's large boat and looking for revenge for him selling me out to Chanyeol. Baekhyun wanted to test out Lucas's abilities too and I couldn't help it but to gasp in amazement when I saw him in action. His bomb completely obliterated Junmyeon's boat and the fisherman was supposed to change his loyalty to the presumably unknown mafia boss that sent me to see him. 

We got the fake identities for Baekhyun's men and our mission was a complete success, but the adventure out to the open sea left Cobra quiet and I could tell that he was thinking about something. The waves managed to bring back some brief memories from the night when someone tried to kill him, but they didn't make any sense and he decided to go on a drive in his black Ferrari in hopes that it would help him clear his head.

'' Do you have a plan of action? '' Minseok asked me and cross his arms on his chest. His eyes were ice cold and his face was completely calm, even if the three of us were heavily outnumbered. The warehouse was full of gangsters that were sitting around, playing cards, smoking cigarettes and drinking. They noticed us, but no one bothered to truly acknowledge our presence. There was only a few of them that began whispering something about Minseok, who they recognised from getting saved out of jail. '' I already talked with my guys at the boxing club. They are down for the plan, but there's not enough of them. ''

That night Baekhyun wanted to start taking back his territory. Gangsters called it protection money, even if they were usually the ones that people needed protection from. Owners of certain places gave them a large sum of cash and in return they kept them safe from others. Cobra's territory used to expand through most of the hotels, casinos, clubs, high end bars and other similar places where his dealers sold his drugs. Getting some of that back was the first step, the next was building his narcotics business once again and lastly - taking down Python, also known as Park Chanyeol.

'' Yah! '' I let out a loud scream, but only a few of the gangsters in that warehouse bothered to turn their heads and briefly glance in my direction. I gritted my teeth in irritation and clenched my fingers in to fists before muttering in to the earpiece that was stuck on my ear: '' Have your guys always been this disobedient? ''

Baekhyun began explaining something in response, but I didn't bother listening to him. I pulled my gun from the inside of my jacket and Lucas flinched when I fired a shot. One of the gangsters just raised his soju bottle to his lips when the bullet made it smash in to pieces. The sound of the gunshot made Baekhyun sigh and hiss back with anger: '' You are the same as they are! Even worse! Why even bother asking me for your opinion when you aren't even planning to listen? ''

The gangsters turned their heads now, stood up from the ground and their chairs and started walking towards us. Their fists were clenched, their faces were angry and it was clear that they were ready to fight. I bit my lower lip and tried to think of what to do next, while Lucas smirked and asked in amusement: '' Got any more random ideas that have potential to turn in to a complete disaster? ''

'' Don't even try to look smug, because it's obvious that you shot that gun at random and hoped for the best, '' Minseok mumbled in agreement and out a tired sigh. He placed a cigarette in his mouth, but he didn't light it up. His eyes narrowed as he stared at the group of gangsters and Lucas and I both jumped up with surprise when he suddenly raised his voice at them: '' Do you want to go back to jail, you scumbags? How about showing the tiniest bit of gratitude, huh? You should be ashamed for acting like complete cows as soon as your boss disappeared! So stop fucking around and listen! ''

cobra & python » baekhyun ✓Where stories live. Discover now