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"So Party details. You invited everyone right?" Starla looks to me as she sticks streamers to the walls. "Yes yes I did. Calm down" I reply, pouring a bag of crisps into a bowl. Since Abbies here now and the 3 of us are reunited, we decided to throw a party. Starla insisted we have it at mine and that we invite everyone we know. I've never been big on the whole party scene but it's an excuse to get wasted and who doesn't love that? "And you ordered the pizza?" She asks "Yes Starla, and Ashtons bringing the alcohol and Calums picking up the cake" She nods her head "Cool cool" 

"There is so many people" I say in disbelief as I stare around at the never ending crowd of people that fill my apartment "Good luck cleaning the mess" Calum teases, pointing to the cups that already cover the floor "Hey! You have to help!" I slap his arm playfully "Did you invite everyone?" He trails off, his eyes growing sad "I invited them both. but only Connie said she was coming, I'm not sure about Alyssa" I attempt to comfort him. I know he was in the wrong, but he's one of my best friends and I hate seeing him so broken. "I love them both you know. Despite what they think" He chews on his lip and stares into his half empty cup "I know" I nod softly, he looks to me "I didn't want to hurt them" he pauses for a minute before chugging down the rest of his liquor "But fuck it right" he crushes the cup in his hand as his sadness turns to nothing and his emotions turn blank "I'm gonna get another drink" He trails through the crowd and disappears. "Britney! Hey!" I turn to find Miriam walking towards me, a drink in hand "Hey!" I reply, giving her a quick hug "I'm glad you made it" I smile "Me too! Although there's a lot of people here" She laughs, taking a sip from her drink "Yeah, I didn't know I knew this many people honestly" I stare around at all the unfamiliar faces "When you're associated with 5SOS you know everyone that they know" She lets out a laugh and turns to me "Have you seen Andy? I need to run some things by him" I think for a second "I think he's with Luke and Starla. In the living room" I say, she gives a quick thanks before trailing off into the crowd. I scan the crowd for Ashton before my eyes fall on a familiar face in the crowd. Fear washes over me and my body falls numb as his swollen brown eyes meet mine. He begins to move through the crowd towards me, I hurry backwards in a panic trying to locate Starla but my vision grows blurry. I run into the bathroom and lock the door, pulling my phone from the pocket of my red dress. I scroll through my contacts to my brothers name. Tears stream down my face "Britney?" His voice rings through the phone "He's here" I cry out "What. Whos there? Britney where are you?" His voice grows worried "I'm- I'm at home. I threw a party and he- he's here" he mumbles a fuck and my head grows faint "Where's Starla? Or Ashton?" I wipe tears from my eyes "I don't know" he pauses "Go find them, Please" I mumble a soft okay before hanging up. I open the door and scan the crowd. I can't see him. I head towards the last place I saw Starla, I spot Luke and walk towards him "Britney what's wrong" He asks, a hint of worry in his eyes "Where's Starla?" I ask, I grow dizzy "I'm no-" He gets cut off by Starla running towards me "Britney. You're Brother called me. Where's Ashton?" She asks panicking, her eyes running through the crowd "He's with Calum, outside. What's going on?" Luke says "Go find him" She gestures to the door "I'll be right there" I nod my head and pace towards the door. I leave my apartment and head down the hallway. I run for the door but I'm pulled back "Britney" a familiar voice stings my ears as a sharp pain tugs at my wrist "Let me go" I try to pull back "Lets talk" his grip on my wrist tightens. I'm too scared to look at him "No" I pull my arm away and try to run for the door. His arms wrap around my waist and throws me against the wall "I said lets fucking talk" His arms block off my exits and my legs turn to jelly. Fear over takes me and tears form in my eyes. I look to the door praying that someone will come but nothing. "Don't cry princess. I won't hurt you" He pauses "Much" he lets out a sly laugh. "I don't appreciate you telling what happened" his hand slides up my leg , the other blocking my exit "You know what happens to bad girls right?" Tears stream down my face as his voice grows deeper "They get hurt" he raises his knee to my stomach and a sharp pain over runs my body. I sink to the floor in pain. He grabs my hair and pulls my head to look at him "You should've kept your pretty little mouth shut" his other hand raises to my face and connects with my cheek, leaving behind a stinging sensation. His arm raises again but his body is jolted back "Get the fuck away from her" Ashtons voice slams, anger lacing every word. His fist drives into his face repeatedly. More force with every hit. Calum grabs Ashtons arms but he's flung back against the wall. Ashtons foot drives into his stomach, Andy rushes out from my apartment along side Starla, Luke and Connie. Calum and Andy pull Ashton away and Luke grabs the mans half limp body from the floor and pulls him up. Starla rushes to me and wraps her arms around my weak body. Connie falls beside me and pulls tissues from her bag and hands them to me "You're bleeding" She says, gesturing towards my lip. Ashton turns to me and his face grows soft "Britney. Are you okay?" He falls to his knees and places his bloody hands on my legs. I cry into Starlas shoulder and shake my head "Who the fuck was that?" He lets out an angry sigh. I look to him, blood running down my lip "My ex"

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