You're fucking lying

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I stand frozen in Lukes living room, desperately trying to figure out where Starla may be. I run through the house again praying I missed a room but nothing. My phone begins to ring, I desperately pull it out of my pocket hoping it's her 'Calum' appears on the screen, I press answer "Britney where are you?" He says in a panic "Lukes house, looking for Starla why?" I reply, I hear voices in the background, they sound scared "Ashtons on his way now, Don't move" He says, his voice cracks "Calum what's going on" His words hit me like shattered glass, my heart sinks to the pit of my stomach. I fall to the ground and scream in pain. His words echo through my ears "It's Starla.. She's dead" His words repeat over and over as I hold my stomach and wail over crying. My tears hit the floor and I hear Calum calling my name through the phone. I can't speak, I have a lump in my throat. This can't be happening. Lukes front door swings open and a worried Ashton and Calum appear, they drop everything and rush to my side. Ashton pulls my frail body into his and I scream into his chest "Tell me it's not true" I choke out, barely breathing "I wish I could" Calum speaks softly "You're fucking lying!" I scream at him. My whole body taken over by sadness. "You're lying" I mumble, pulling off Ashtons chest. They stare at me, unsure of what to do. I pull my legs into my chest and look around the room. Ashton places a hand on my shoulder "Come on B, Lets go home" He whispers, standing. I stand but freeze, staring up the hallway that leads to her room "Just wait" I whisper, wiping tears from my face. I slowly walk into the room and over to her dresser, running my hands over the photos that line the table. I see a necklace that reads "Best friends" I pick the small silver chain up and run my thumb over the engravement. We got this together, when we were young. She told me she lost it, but I guess it was found. I stuff the necklace into my purse and make my way downstairs and to the car.

I lay in my bed, lifelessly staring up at the ceiling. Ashton walks into the room and lays next to me on the bed "Britney" He whispers, I turn to look at him "Are you okay?" I turn my head back to look at the roof "My best friends dead Ashton. How do you expect me to be okay?" I say blankly. I've been over come with a numb sensation over my whole body. I feel nothing. "I just- I don't know what else to say" He trails off, his voice threatening to break with every word "I should've stayed with her" I say, imaging what could've been if I hadn't of left "Britney don't you dare. This is not your fault" He soothes, his hand rubbing against mine "I could've stopped her" a tear rolls down my cheek, my face still emotionless. Ashton goes to speak but I cut him off "We need to go see Luke" I look at him, his eyes glazed over "He said he doesn't want anyone around right now" his voice soften "Yeah and Starla said she was fine but look what happened with that. I'm going to see Luke, whether you're coming with me or not" I stand from the bed and throw on a pair of shoes. Ashton follows closely behind me, too scared to leave me alone. We get in the car, the ride to Lukes is completely silent. 

"Luke" I call out, using the spare key to open the door. "Lucas" I yell. "I'll check the kitchen, you check the bedroom" Ashton says, I nod and head to the room, I knock on the door but no answer, I walk over to the bathroom and press my fist to the door. It creaks open and Lukes frail body appears sprawled across the floor, a bottle of tequila in one hand. Pills in another. "Luke" I sigh, falling to my knees and taking the pills from his hand. His eyes puffy and red from crying "I-I tried but I couldn't do it" He cries, his hands shake. I hug him "It's alright" I whisper as he cries into my chest. Ashton appears in the door frame "fuck man" he rushes to Lukes side and grabs the bottle of liquor from his hand. Luke continues to cry into my chest "She's gone" he chokes out, the pain evident in his voice "It's my fault" He pulls away "No it's not" Ashton says in attempt to help his friend "Yes it fucking is! She wouldn't of gotten drunk if I hadn't of started a fucking argument!" He yells out, his voice breaking. "She's gone and it's all my fault" he mumbles through tears "Luke, these kinds of things are inevitable" I reassure him, earning a 'you're a hypocrite' glare from Ashton. I try to hold back the tears, when me and Star were young and one of us would end up in hospital or something for some fucked up reason we'd always give a 'I have no future without you' speech and here we are. The things I had planned for my life have washed away to nothing, I can't see a future anymore. Not without her. "Britney we need to call her parents" these words sting me like a bee, her parents have no idea.. I pause, looking at the tiles on the bathroom floor "I can do it if you need me to" Ashton pipes up "No it's okay.. I think they should hear it from me" I sadly smile standing from the bathroom floor. "I'll be back" I leave the room and stand near the window and dial 'Starla home' 

"Hello? Britney?" Starlas mums voice beams through the phone, my heart breaks "Hey uhm I'm so sorry" My voice breaks and tears fall down my face "Whats wrong honey" She asks confused "It's Stara.." She pauses "What happened" Her voice sounds weak, as if she knows whats coming "There was a party last night. She got really drunk and she-she fell and.." I fall to pieces, no longer able to form words, Ashton appears beside me and takes the phone from my hand "Hi Ma'am I'm Ashton, a friend of Starlas. I hate to be the one to tell you this. Last night Starla had an accident, she fell from the roof of a building. She didn't make it. I'm so sorry"

Unpredictable // A.F.IWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu